Jealousy, Ugly Jealousy


Recently due to a life-changing event I have been experiencing an ugly bout of Jealousy from other creatures. So intense are these folks energy that no amount of saging takes it away. Do you all know of any special baths or how to get rid of this Dark energy...

Recommendations are Warmly Welcome!



What came to mind right away was black tourmaline. Another one people use is a nice big chunk of black obsidian. Quartz clusters also work well. Wearing a quartz pendant can help a lot while you are out of your home area. The neat thing about stones is how they can and will work continually whether we are present or not, awake or asleep.

Clearing with sound can be quite powerful. With the intention of clearing your house, sample various sounds and sound-making devices. Use what sounds good to you. SheLikestoRead has a thread here with lots of sound clearing/healing ideas and experiences.

Long-term, the way to end the game is to opt out. When we truly love ourselves unconditionally, we can't help but love others. Without our participation, the "emotional meal" craved by discordant game players disappears, so they look elsewhere. It's simple, but challenging.



Thank you stonesatiety! I don't think I have any tourmaline or obsidian around and recently my Amulet broke off too so I feel rather on the naked side. Off to the shop I go! I have also decided to unfriend some of these folks, run from them like the plague if you will. Thank you for the recommendations!


Exactly -- removing toxic people from your life is Step One toward having a more pleasant life. Sometimes, they're family, so we can't drop them 100% from our lives without some repercussions. In those cases, shifting them to the far outer periphery -- at least emotionally, if we can't do it physically at the moment -- will serve a positive purpose.

But sometimes, it takes important events in our lives to understand who our REAL friends are. That goes for good events AND bad events. If they don't want us anywhere near them when we're having a hard time in life, they are not friends. And if they respond with negativity, instead of being happy for us when good things happen for us, then they're not friends, either.

Insecure people are the ones who have to tear everyone and everything else down, so nothing is higher than they perceive themselves to be. That requires less effort than building themselves up and raising themselves higher, so they tear down everything instead. You don't need these people around you to limit your progress at every opportunity. If they want to wallow in their limitations, that's up to them, but YOU don't have to buy into their game.

Having said that, it's possible to add crystals to the mix to clear up the negative-energy mess they've sent our way. Most black stones are beneficial in this regard: Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Obsidian, Onyx, and Smoky Quartz, to name a few. Diane Stein wrote a whole listing on which stones aborb negative energy, which ones deflect it back to the sender, which ones transmute it... I never memorized all that, but I did make a mental note that those stones can help us get rid of negative energy. The stones I mentioned are all relatively easily obtained, and with the possible exception of Tourmaline, shouldn't be too expensive.

Clear Quartz is always a good go-to stone, as well, especially since it can be programmed with intentions like "shield me from negative energies".

This, plus the using of sound energies or smudging to clear out your workspace, living space, vehicle, etc. of unwanted vibes, plus removing the sources of negativity from your life as much as possible, should do the trick.

If the life-changing event in question was something happy or an achievement you have made, then let me say CONGRATULATIONS.


wonderful suggestions from stonesatiety and shelikes...tourmaline is always my go-to stone for protection and I would also add that in situations like you describe fire agate (or even crab fire agate) will work wonders to deflect those intense emotions back to the ones flinging them at you. hopefully you haven't gone to the stone shop yet! and you can pick up both. :)


So Grateful! :)

wildchilde, shelikes2read, Thank you for the advice. Haven't gone to the shop yet but I will tonight and if I cant find there I will order online. On a mission to clean all my sorroundings!

flying black kat

For a bath I would use coffee. Take the equilvent of 6 cups of very strong, black only, coffee and put it in a bathtub about half-full. It has to be full enough to submerge your body. Do this after your shower and washing your hair. Immerse yourself in the coffee bath water 3 full times. Including your front, back hair, all of you. When you feel refreshed get out, do not towel off. The coffee bath will not stain your skin. This plugs and covers the holes in your etheric layer.

I would like to add mirrors. I mentally surround myself with mirrors including above and below me. If you carry a compact there is your mirror to take out whenever you need it. Mirrors are reflecting and I send the feelings, emotions, thoughts, and any negative things back with a “Return to sender, not needed, not wanted, useless, etc. mental thoughts.” Anything that you feel like saying will work. It just takes practice and I found it works for me very well. When I need it I just think the word “Mirrors” and they go up.

Salt is also good. You can carry a few grains with you in your pocket, purse, etc. I use Kosher because it is blessed and I feel so much stronger than what I could do. I use it sprinkle some on the window stills, put a little in every drain, including the toilet, so that any negativity that gets into the house either with me or others, cannot get in and stay in, and if it does, just vacuum it up, and re-put down. I have sweet grass braids above the doors, on all the doors, etc. I have sweet grass braids in my truck. My vehicle is my home away from home, and I protect it like it is my rolling home. Works in campers as well.

I realize that this can be considered over the top.

Walk in Beauty and Be at Peace



Thank you flying black kat! Just got back from the shop and I bought Black obsidian, an Evil Eye Protector as well as a bunch of Dragonsblood incense and oil!
The bad new....My kitten is Gone :( little Cosmos about maybe 14 weeks old is gone from home. Completely vanished and I'm devastated! :(


Oh no! How scary and sad.... I really hope you find your kitten soon. :(


Cosmos is Back!

Goddessofthehunter, the kitten's back and my heart restored! thank you for your great energy and prayers!