Soul Cards


Have there been other threads about this deck?
What do other people think of it?
I seemed to be more interested in the second version, but would love to hear everyone's thoughts :)


yes, there have been other threads about soul cards, but it's been awhile, so i think it's a great time to start a new one.

for those wishing to view the cards being discussed, here is aeclectic's link to the cards;

for a view of all of the cards in both sets, the artist's web site is;

i have soul cards one. the cards do not come with interpretations, so they are used as a completely intuitive deck. i read with just them or sometimes pull a card along with a tarot reading.


I want someting to add to my Tarot readings. I have tried to use other Tarot decks, but it is not meant to be.
I like the combination of Tarot and Oracle decks and the Soul Cards, I think, would bring a different and new insight :)


TemperanceAngel said:
What do other people think of it?
I prefer the Soul Cards 1.
I use them as both an adjunct to Tarot and instead of Tarot (see the old Choas thread, and the featured reading 4 Corrine).

You would love them - they go well with Dominoes (ROFL)


I beat my grandfather at dominoes the first time I met him, I was three years old. Since then, dominoes and I have been great friends :D:laugh::D

So, Soul Cards 1 eh??



Temperance Angel - If you can't decide between Soul Cards 1 or 2, I would check out the link Zorya provided to

Every image from both decks can be viewed... You should be able to tell which speaks to you more :eek:)


thanks dp, I have checked it out :) It's great to hear from people who own the deck(s) as well. XTAX


I have and love Soul Cards I.

I use them for reflection and meditation but haven't used them for divination.


i think soul cards 1 have a better balance between (for lack of better words) 'light' and 'dark' cards. deck 2 seems to lean much more to the light.

although the cards have different colored backs, they are the same size and many people use both decks together.


I love the cards. Strangely when I show them to customes at my store I always stress taht one of the strengths is that interpretations of the cards rest solely with them and two people looking at the same card will probably draw many differnt meanings. Then when they pull a card they will ask me what it means (!?!) or I will pull a card and they will try and interpret what it means to my life (!?!).