Do you recognize this deck ?

Onion Budgie

That's a really striking deck. :) I've tried a number of image and word searches, but nothing's come up so far. I hope that someone here recognises it for you.


They are BEAUTIFUL! I don't what their name is, but try using google image search.


How many cards are there in the deck? Are there any copyrights on any cards or makers marks of any kind and what titles are on the cards.


Yes it is really beautiful. But I have no idea how to read with it !

There are the 36 cards (those on the pictures), no more. I can't really translate the names... but it seems linked to the "Celtic astrology" by Carol Carnac. (Yes, I should find this book...) :

Le roi
La princesse enchaînée
La reine
Le triangle
Le fleuve de vie
Le héros solaire
Le lièvre
Le chasseur
Le cocher
La petite-ourse
Le grand chien
La grande ourse
Le petit chien
Le vaisseau
Le chaudron
Le centaure
Le corbeau
Le bouvier
Le héros terrestre
La couronne hyperboréenne
Le serpent
Le dragon
Le loup
La couronne australe
La lyre
La flèche
Le cygne
Le dauphin
Le poisson austral
Le petit cheval
Le cheval ailé
La Baleine

The signature on the cards is "Styczynski".

Well, it looks like I have a lot of things, but I'm not going on the good way !

Thank you :)


Hi Sam,

I haven't been able to come up with anything either but I'll keep looking. :)