Mah Jongg Deck


Please can any one help me? After a recent move I have found that some of my cards are missing! Does any one know where I can get hold of a new deck. I am in England & no one seems to have heard of them.


Have you searched I found 12 results there, but I'm not sure any of them are cards, it's a bit unclear. In additon, many of the titles seem out of print. I also checked US Games Inc, but they didn't have it.
However, you can check out amazon for yourself and see. Good luck! :)

(Btw, you ought to have posted this thread in the Tarot Deck-section.)



Are you talking about the Derek Walter Mah Jong cards? I got my deck here in Germany but here it is only available as a set with a German book.


Mah Jongg

Those are the ones I need! I don't need the book. My brother lives in Germany so I'll ask if he can get me a set. Many thanx