Interesting tidbit of tarot-related info


I picked up some interesting information the other day. Supposedly, storing a piece of sodalite with tarot cards encourages psychic connection and promotes the altered state necesary for accurate readings. Anyone else ever happen to hear this?



No, never heard of that but it says in the Crystal Ally Cards, that Sodalite can be used to explore your intuition and in another of my books it says it opens the mind to receiving messages so it does make sense to me.

J :)


That is interesting. I've earlier heard that you can put a piece of amethyst or rock crystal with your cards but sodalite? I guess I'll have to get myself one!


Yes, I think it was Rostie (a fellow Aeclectician) who told me awhile back that she puts a piece of sodalite on top of each of her decks, for precisely that reason.


Great! I even have a few pieces of sodalite laying around.


Anyone have anything to add in this sodalite-for-tarot-thread? I would really like to hear it since I'm thinking about getting some to put in my tarot bags.


I store a sodalite with my tarot of a moon garden deck. I store Lapiz Lazuli with my gendron deck.


I have also heard either sodalite or lapis lazuli are good for enhancing spiritual abilities and also for attracting spirit guides?


Free said:
I have also heard either sodalite or lapis lazuli are good for enhancing spiritual abilities and also for attracting spirit guides?

Thats funny...I think my spirit guides respond better to my Gendron deck and thats the deck I keep with a piece of lapis lazuli.