Adolf Hitler's Chart is Earth dominant-Was he a HARDWORKER and Disciplined?

Darth MI

As far as Adolf Hitler goes, already too many people argued too much whether his Libra Asc chart fit or not and the studies are divided among those who truly believe Hitler was a mass-murderer psychopath (who the majority of serious astrologers on this site holds the opinion) and those who argue that while Hitler advocated genocide he wasn't a violent madman but was a product of the culture and time period he was raised in (which me and Sworm repeatedly stated and those on this site who actually know history beyond clichés and pop media stereotypes actually agree with).

However so much of the debate is revolving around Hitler's supposed psychopathy that we've ignored studying other elements of Hitler's chart and finding out quite overlooked traits of his personality. I think its time we actually start discussing who the man was outside of the context of World War 2 and the Holocaust.

One thing I discovered recently even to my surprise was that Hitler's natal chart signifies a far more disciplined person than many of us tend to think. Even among people who realize Hitler was a multidimensional human being, discipline and hard worker are not traits associated with the man.

To bring real history into this, back in his time period before he even joined the Nazi party many Hitler biographers often described Hitler as being unemployed and lining up at the soup kitchen. Thing is part of why he was unemployed was because he spent so much time wandering around Germany and doing fun stuff such as listening to his favorite operas and drawing random art works that were not commercially viable.

However I should note these biographies share the same opinion about Hitler wanting to kill Jews because he was mentally insane and ignoring how the time period and culture Hitler came from and if anything these biographers seem to be giving the vibe they are painting Hitler as a lazy person in his youth as a way to demonize him.

The thing is, many of Hitler's opponents also criticized Hitler for being a lazy deadbeat back when he was just rising through the ranks of the Nazi party. They all bring up the same thing about Hitler being a hedonist and even indulging in cinema, theater, the arts, and other Venusian pursuits by the time he was Fuhrer. Even as early as when he was writing Mein Kampf, even rival members within the Nazi party was bashing him as a leech and hedonist.

But bearing into mind many biographers often have the intention of bashing Hitler in their books and naturally his political opponents would slander him, I thought it be interesting to see what his natal chart said.

I hadn't been able to do an indepth study because I am so busy but what I discovered was quite staggering:

According to the Walter Pullen Chart Delineation, Hitler's strongest element was EARTH at a whopping 38.7%! In addition Taurus was calculated as his strongest sign at 21.3% with Libra coming in second at 16% and Capricorn a distant 3rd dominant at 12.5%. Saturn is no slouch either and is 3rd place as his dominant sign at 11.9%.

So we are already seeing a chart so primarily influenced by Earth with at least 2 Earth signs being in the top 3 strongest dominants in his chart and a subtle and distant but nonetheless still strong Saturnine influence in his personality.

Furthermore from Hitler's actual natal chart, there is revealed to be a Taurus stellium (further supporting Taurus influencing 20% of his chart); Jupiter and Moon in Capricorn in his third house (which I recall is the house of communication and mental agility thus signifying a personality who believes in hardwork); and Saturn in the 10th house which is traditionally believed to indicate a person works his *** off at the workplace and puts so much personal effort into building a respectable career and resume and would be anything but a hedonist when its office hours.

His natal chart for anyone interested.

Remember we are trying to read what the chart says without letting our pop history knowledge and mainstream media portrayal of the person cloud our judgements. Assuming you never knew who Hitler was, what would the chart indicate as far as work ethic and discipline goes?


Taking signs independent of their position in the chart can be misleading. Although I've used a different house system than you, the fact remains that Taurus on the eighth is going to produce different effects than Taurus on an angle, assuming the same planets in the sign. The former case would find difficulty in expressing that work ethic, the latter would be much more focused.

Darth MI said:
To bring real history into this, back in his time period before he even joined the Nazi party many Hitler biographers often described Hitler as being unemployed and lining up at the soup kitchen. Thing is part of why he was unemployed was because he spent so much time wandering around Germany and doing fun stuff such as listening to his favorite operas and drawing random art works that were not commercially viable.

Which actually illustrates the point I was making above.

Darth MI

FYI I am using this chart.,_Adolf

Which puts all his planets in the 7th house therefore increasing far more emphasis on Libra.

How does it compare?

BUt my knowledge of historical facts and having read lots of biography of Hitler, the above link birth time fits his personality far more.


while Hitler advocated genocide he wasn't a violent madman but was a product of the culture and time period he was raised in (which me and Sworm repeatedly stated and those on this site who actually know history beyond clichés and pop media stereotypes actually agree with).

I'm not sure how a good work ethic is a redeeming quality here? A lot of people that are hard working are also looking for control. An earth-sign attribute. There are a lot of psychological deficiencies that are driven by a need to control, none too pleasant. By your logic we should all be psychotic considering the present era and many people were not raised in the ideal setting. Excuses for everyone?

discipline and hard worker are not traits associated with the man.
I hadn't been able to do an indepth study because I am so busy but what I discovered was quite staggering:

Yes the Nazis were very disciplined. Hitler did a "fantastic" job of organizing them. This isn't news. ... "discipline and hard worker are not traits associated with the man" because it's a bit obvious how he employed these extreme behaviors. Saturn is the 'slave driver.'

Would love for you to elaborate. Thank you Darth MI.