

I was given some Citrine, I have some issues with my thyroid, and I was given a rather large citrine orb. Wondering where I should put it? What I should do with it ..Of is it still of use sitting with the rest of my alter collection. Any idea if they are rare, or common?

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  • Photo on 23-01-2015 at 10.06 pm.jpg
    Photo on 23-01-2015 at 10.06 pm.jpg
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Citrine is a fairly common stone (and such a beautiful one!)

You can meditate with the orb - think about your condition, and cup the orb in your hands; invite the stone to help you ease the thyroid condition, and picture yourself being whole, healed and happy :) If you do this a few times a week, it should help! Crystals usually work slowly, but if you are consistent, you will find it does work. If you spend a lot of time at your altar, or usually sit near it, that will help too. Just having the crystals around us can help to speed healing (but hands on tends to be a stronger effect!)

That looks like a great orb to scry with, as well! So many swirls - lots of energy going on in that ball!

Here is some info on citrine; if you scroll down a bit, you will see the bit about healing physically with it.

citrine healing


my my you are the lucky one to have someone who cares so much about you to gift you such a beautiful crystal sphere!

I have found that just spending time with your crystal will have positive results; whether you do this 'formally' or 'informally' is up to you, but it does take intention and a conscious effort to connect. You can hold it, set it in your lap, put it on a pillow or whatever. Then just ask for it's help and be open to receive that help. I have had a lot of success, too, with meditations and even using crystals during yoga to enhance the connection.

I do love that this is a sphere, which is a very feminine aspect of the crystal so it should work well with the stated need. Hope you will post in the older threads concerning experiences with crystals once you have had some time to work with this beauty!

oh, btw, one thing you do NOT want to do with citrine is leave it in direct sunlight. This will wash out the color immensely and sometimes affect the "charge" of the crystal.