zero degree in astrology


Taken from astrologyzone
"New Moon on March 20 will be at that energetic Zero degree in Aries"

When a planet is at 0 degree does that mean something special?

I've got the soup of astrology but not the pot! lol

Thanks for any replys, & please keep it simple.

isthmus nekoi

I've read that certain degrees can be special: 0, 29 and then ones specific to modality (e.g. 13 in cardinal signs).


It depends what you mean by 'special' :)

0 degrees marks the point of ingress of a planet into a sign - so in that sense it is 'special' - a planet changing signs.

For Horary it's special in another sense - if the first three degrees or the last three degrees of a sign are rising then the horary chart is not valid and a reading based on it may well be prone to error - it's sometimes said that the early degrees mean that its too soon to ask the question and the late degrees mean it's too late to ask the question - the querent can no longer affect the outcome.

0 degrees (and 29 degrees) may also mean that the planet is influenced by both signs and the reader should take this into account. Some astrologers will pay particular attention to such placements.

The last three degrees of signs are also sometimes seen as unfortunate because the Face (decanate) ruler is usually a malefic (Mars or Saturn).