Virgo Full Moon


The Full Moon occurs at 11:17 pm Universal Time on 6th March at 16 degrees 43 minutes Virgo. The Moon rules the Earth Triplicity by night (and for those who see the full moon it will be night time). The Moon is also separating from a conjunction with Retrograde Jupiter but is still well within orb. Although Jupiter is traditionally in detriment in Virgo, at the Full Moon Jupiter is within its own Terms in Virgo (as is the Moon) and is in Mutual Reception with Mercury in Pisces. Whilst Retrograde Jupiter might not be a bundle of fun, he is always trying to have some fun, it might not just work out quite as intended. So there’s an opportunity to enjoy life a little at the Full Moon but don’t expect that plans for fun will necessarily work out as you expect. :)

The Sun in Pisces is conjunct with Mercury and both square Pluto in Sagittarius, as does the Moon. Thus we have a T Square in Mutable signs at the Full Moon – Mutable signs suggest some process of completion, adaption or possibly healing. The Full Moon is also a time of endings and the Sun is in Pisces, the 12th and final sign, so endings do seem to be a significant feature of this Full Moon. With Pluto as the focus of the T square it is likely that some process of transformation is struggling towards a conclusion, Sagittarius might tinge this with an almost religious or philosophical feel.

Venus lies in its own sign of Taurus, with sextiles to Saturn in Cancer and Uranus in Pisces. Aspects to Saturn are never really associated with much fun but Venus here is the stronger planet, as Saturn is in detriment and also Retrograde. The sextile to Uranus suggests that there can be quite novel approaches to enjoying the good things in life, despite having Saturn moping in the background. Anyway Saturn is about to station direct – it does so the following day – so it will tend to bring a more constructive feel to the next few weeks.

Mars is also in Taurus but some distance from Venus. Mars also trines the Sun and sextiles the Moon, so there is some earthy aggression and drive added to the watery Sun. Indeed the Sun is growing in strength in the Northern Hemisphere as it approaches the Spring Equinox and the sign of its exaltation – things are beginning to look up :)

Neptune in Aquarius is a little cut off from the rest, as it forms no major aspect with any other planet.


Things are looking up!
Thanks, it's been a long winter.