Career Chart Request


I am looking for some help and insight. I am at quite a junction in my life that I am uncertain where to go. I have asked the Tarot but I am not getting a clear picture. I had read that sometimes our career chooses us and was wondering if anyone can do a chart for me.
If anyone can do this please PM me and I will give specific details on the place and hour in which I was born.

Thanking you in advance to the one that will take this task on...


If you have alternatives in mind, then it might be better to do a horary chart on the question. A natal chart can and does give some idea of careers that will suit you but that might be too general if you have specific choices in mind.

A horary doesn't need your natal details, though these would help as supporting information. What would be necessary is a clear question posing the alternatives. I assume that you might already have done this in looking at the issue using the Tarot and whilst this might constitute asking the same question twice, it may still be worth the effort in support of your natal information.