Orion tarot card technique

Phoenix Rising

This is a technique taught by a Tarot reader who is married to the founder of the Orion healing technique or Theta healing, DNA activation teacher. Her name is Vianna Stibel. She is a most powerful and amazing healer I would say in the 21st century.
She was able to cure herself of leukemia and grow her leg(which was 3 inches shorter) in a instant! She came across this discovery as she was among other things a hypnotist. She discovered that she was able to perform miracles by going into theta brainwave, and connecting with God (higher self)and commanding the brain to perform things at will.
She was also able to give clairvoyant readings and go into a clients body to see ailments, diseases, illnesses. Among being able to reprogramme Genetic, pastlife, soul and belief structures.
She has had thousands of amazing cures and realisations with this simple technique.
She was told by her higher source(God)that she was to take this teaching to the world. So that others are able to heal, empower and manifest what ever they required.

So that was a spiel about her. So onto tarot, her husband also uses the same technique to do his readings. And it is as follows

Step 1. Raise your consciousness in your heart chakra you are in Beta state.

Step 2. Raise or project your consciousness three feet above your head.you are in alpha state.

Step 3. By repeating the following in calling forth Source, you are in THETA state

"God, Goddess, Creator(or whatever you call source) I command a (reading) with the tarot cards through me from this person(have client state full name)on this day(date) at time (am or pm). Thankyou, It is done, It is done, It is done.(by thanking, the higher self recognises that it is already done and will go about performing the instructions.

Step 4Move your consciousness over the head of the client and into the heart, mind, body and soul of the individual, commanding that this person(state name)past, present and future situations of importance be relayed back through the chakras to the reader thereby empowering the cards for a true reading.

Step 5He does not allow the clients to touch his cards, otherwise too much emotions go into the deck. He also does not use reversals.

Step 6He likes to shuffle his cards 9 times to open and 3 times for each question thereafter. the shuffling is done in silence so that he remains in Theta. Once you speak you go back into Beta.

This technique has amazing results for him. But to begin with you want to achieve Theta status, which is step 3.

I was so impressed and excited when I read her books "Go up and Seek God" and "Go up and Work with God" That i just wanted to share it with my friends here at AT.


Thanks Phoenix Rising. I can appreciate the idea but rather humbly doubt that I personally could pull it off. Nonetheless there are folks here who could, so thanks for sharing that!


Thank you Phoenix Rising
I do Chakra work before I read ..I'd like to try this technique it sounds facinating.
I'd like to check out the books too.
Thanks for posting.


Thanks for the info. It looks very interesting.

I do something fairly simliar when I do a reading for a querent meaning that I work with the "source" and the chakras.

Phoenix Rising

I've started using this techniqe, and it has been bang on. Actually I didn't need to read the cards! I felt very relaxed actually.
Doesn't hurt to give it a go! Although reading it makes it look complicated.

Just visualise a golden ball in your heart chakra, and imagine it going up through the crown and up 67ft. Just imagine you there.

Then when you call on source, you will automatically go into theta,
Then you make the command "I command a reading for (client) etc and then thankyou, it is done(3) Your higher self will take over.


That is quite amazing and interesting.
Are those books distributed worldwide?

Phoenix Rising

Yes books are available worldwide. Her webiste www.thetahealing.com. She does seminars throughout the country. Books are "Go up and seek God" and "Go up and work with God"


what an interesting approach! i just stumbled across this old thread and i am reviving it with the hope that phoenix rising and other ATers may be able to provide some more info or experience on this technique. what kind of results have you gotten? how long does it take for you to achieve theta state? is there an alternative to 'commanding' God to do something, or should i not be equating theta consciousness with (in my case christian) God but instead with something more like a higher self?


Phoenix Rising

Hi Pleroma

I had almost forgotten about this thread its been a few years back. I have to admit that I haven't been working with that technique since typing this thread, so I couldn't tell you about it now.
Like all meditation type techniques it comes with discipline and focus..something I have a problem with..no time to do it.
