A Conversation Seed [CARTOMANCY/POKER]


The following is from an AIM conversation, tonight:

: Hey. You awake?
: yes
: I've been wanting to pick your brain on something for a couple days... was waiting till I caught you online.
: I've been reading Last Call, by Tim Powers. Did you ever read it?
: no. i've one or two of his books, but not that one.
: Ok. Basic plot: main character finds out that his father, who tried to kill him when he was younger, has ascended to the Archetype of the King. And now a number of potential Kings, called Jacks, are trying to assume his position.
: That's VERY basic, but works for the idea. It's a lot of tarot imagery and themes.
: ok.
: Anyhow, in the story, a lot of the book revolves around cards. Playing cards, usually in the form of poker hands. There's the whole idea of "buying" or "selling" the fate that you have in your hand when you bet.
: To an extent, I can dig this. Partially because I'm firmly in the mutable future camp, partially because I've been playing poker almost as long as I've been walking, and partially because I resonate better with playing cards than tarot cards... I always have a deck with me, and I always fiddle with it absently when I'm nervous/bored/frustrated/etc.
: So, all the babble leads to this: I've seen a few different systems of cartomancy involving playing cards, but they always use the standard tarot spreads. I'd like to talk to some other like-minded folks and see if I can't come up with a spread that looks more like a poker hand... if you look at a seven-card stud hand, for example, you have two down, four up, one down. I dunno. It's been wiggling at my brain, and I wanted outside input.
: that's really ****ing cool.
: my advice would be to post what you just said to me to lj comm technopaganism, and a link to that discussion on the occult community.

So I did. What do y'all think? I mean, there's some obvious challenges with it... using 53 (Suits+Joker/Fool) cards instead of 72, obviously. But I think a lot of this can be countered by a different meaning based on how many times a card appears: 3 Aces meaning something different than 2, and so on. Or if the cards formed a straight/flush, so on. Right now, it's just germinating in my head, and I'd love some further input from other folks. Comment here, or you can catch me on AIM at zoey2094. :)

I'm new, by the by. Howdy!

EDIT: Here's a link to the system I've found that best seems to fit as a springboard, so far: http://www3.sympatico.ca/terrir/playing_card_meanings.html

EDIT 2: More resources, this time from our friendly local Chaos Matrix - http://www.chaosmatrix.org/library/magick/texts/tarotmatrix.html