Casting small colored stones


I've been trying to find something like this...scroll down to casting stones:

I've been searching for this because I have the contents of three pencils that would sell for a few dollars with small, even tiny little polished "crystals or semi-precious and odd shaped stones such as malachite, rose quartz, catseye and pale amethyst, carnelian, moss agate and perhaps blue calcite (?) in plastic strawlike holders.

I wondered if anyone did this with stones too small to paint runes on (unless you are into microscopic painting, which I am not), but are very colorful and have gemstone style of properties.

So far I thought of "pouring' them from a glass minibottle such as a Starbucks Latte bottle to a frosted blue bowl and look at the majority of colors...but this website had a good idea.

Anyone else do anything with tiny, irregular and smaller than button-size stones? I have about 75 together.



P.S. I am trying to find a way to add to them for less than what's available at this link here:


How about creating a mosaic with them?
You could do a temporary one on a low form that you fill with sand and place them into a sort of mandala. Or do the real thing and make a "real" mosaic.


That is such a cool idea!

A temporary mosaic or mandala...what a creative and lovely suggestion.

Instead of a zen garden with the raking, stony and sandy properities, here are colored pebbles for meditative creativity.

Thank you!

Before these posts, they were poured from the bottom of a pile of tangled beads into a recyled Hagan-Daaz colored lid--then I stored them in the Starbucks bottle and wondered what to do with them.

May play with them with the seasonal "Runic Tarot" in a spread...




Casting stones!

What a wonderful description of the Lithomancer's (stone caster's) art!

I have been doing this kind of divination for years, and it's nice to see that I am not alone!

Cerulean...those stones of which you speak are very tiny aren't they?
I have a similar collection of them!

I keep mine in a handmade ceramic bowl that I keep on my altar.

Sometimes, when I do tarot for clients I often pour all the small stones into a bowl mixed with larger stones, and use them as a place to rest my crystal ball (which I take to shows simply as a prop!)

After I have done a tarot reading, I let the clients each take a pinch of what's in the bowl, and then I tell thier fortune with whatever stones they removed (which of course is very different from a tarot reading!)

I let them keep the stones after explaining all the properties of them.


At one time I let clients draw a stone out of a pouch. I would explain what the stone meant or gave them a paper with a meaning one it, & let them take the stone with them. I did this to end a reading.

Now I have a bowl with a large white candle in the middle and have put all the colored stones around the candle. I use it as a table decoration in my diningroom.