Jupiter in Libra - full speed ahead!

isthmus nekoi

Does anyone else feel like Jupiter energy has just exploded on the scene? It's almost as if in Virgo, his energy has been so pent up, so restricted, that in Libra his luck has been unleashed w/a year of backed up luckiness. It's quite overwhelming. Not that I'm complaining :) Plus w/Jupiter trine Mars, I'm ready to handle all that crazy energy.


oh yeah!

it's like a weight has been lifted. i'm full of optimism and i've been feeling it coming for the last month or so. :D


I have felt like the wheels were spinning and going nowhere.
I hope it's full speed ahead because I know I'm ready. Also I
feel full of optimism.

Here's to hoping!


Jupiters expansive energies will activate the pantheon of bodies in Libra right now, includign asteroids America and Atlantis, residents of America and Austraila (where The Empire of Atlantium is located) will feel this in their legal systems and tv trials (is something heading to a conclusion?).

Saturn going retrograde on November 8th puts the ringed planet in a position that does not allow for restrictions. Saturn in retrograde is like a very sober jupiter, a good balance for extravigent Jupiter in oftentimes indecisive Libra.

Mercury pushing through Libra demands that we talk about our current imbalances, and of course politics. Appropriate during this final leg of the political campaigns that the herald of communication prepares to talk about change with scorpio behind the veil.

Venus following up from behind in Virgo makes us re-evaluate what we have created, and how it benifits us as well as what we can admit to what mistakes we made. Also, effort must be taken into the creative aspects of a job description, which is a small percentige but a percentige none the less. Issues such as font style have been placed in a strangely bright light this year, mercury ruled Virgo and Gemini demands that these things be taken in consideration.