Newbie Question


I've just started learning about astrology. I am confused about something and am hoping someone might have an answer. When doing progressed charts, i was told that if i wanted to know 5 years ahead i would only type in the progressed date five days after my birth. I was born May 1, 1983 so if i want to know how things will look in 5 years, my progressed date would be May 6, 1983.. is this correct? Does the same apply to composite progressed charts?

Thank you :)



Well, sort of . . .

You have the right idea. You may or may not get an accurate result.

You are correct in using the birth chart as the basis for a progressed chart.

The idea of progressing a chart is an old and trusted concept. There are several ways to progress a chart. Your question seems to relate to what is called a "secondary progression" which is widely used. If you are using computer software then you should look for an option called "progressions" or "secondary progressions" rather than just type in a future date.

The reason for this is that there has to be a small adjustment made in the calculations you do. May 1, 1983 progressed using a May 6, 1983 date will give you a chart that relates not to your birthdate of May 1st but to a symbolic chart/date that is five days beyond your birth day. The calculation, done by hand or by the computer, would adjust the "time" during the day so that it would represent your birthdate five years hence. This is not a big deal when looking only five years ahead, but is a big deal when looking 20, 30 or 40 years ahead.

I won't explain the details here unless you really require them. I would suggest you use the software options to execute a correct chart -- this will help you in the future when you will need greater accuracy. Dave.


Ok I think i get it now. Thank you Dave. :)
