

amethyst is meant to be calming for the mind and is good for when you are stressed. I have worn a piece around my neck for about 6 months now and no matter how much I sleep I am always tired. Do you think this is the amethyst?

I also always carry a piece of rose quartz, blue lace agate and malachite with me, but those are more recent. Do you think i should replace the amethyst with something else?




I don' know about the amethist: maybe it's to calming;-)

Did you think about a doctor's appointement? Maybe you could get your blood checked... I used to be very tired when i had what they call "kissing desease".

I also like sleeping, but it's out of my own experience that i tell you this: the more I sleep, the more tired i get. Try and sleep less than usual for a few days and see how you feel.

Or do you use your sleep as an escape from reality?

Anyway, once you've figured out what is wrong, you can start searching for a proper stone!

Take care,


thanks I will try the not sleeping as much thing.

just a thought - i also wear a hematite pendant and bracelet every day. could that affect the sleeping?


Diet too>..

Recommend just having the amethyst in your pocket or in your purse. It's presence is enough to influence your environment.

I also suggest that you take a look at your overall diet. How much sugar and overly processed foods do you consume daily? I noticed by cutting out the breads and pasta and extra sugary products I feel better after sleeping. Also I'm drinking more water during the day so not to wake up during the night for a potty run. Alos the change in time and weather might be influencing you...Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD) makes many very tired. Try getting outside at least 15 minutes a day to get sunlight.

Going to the doctors to get blood work will give you a better idea what's going on..the above simple changes were all i needed. i started paying attention to how the food i used to eat was effecting me...whole foods, organic fruits and veggies.

Good luck,

Aura Wolf

This happened to me once too! It is very calming and good for sleep but I had a feeling when it happened to me that it was because it was too much energy. Try placing it somewhere else while you sleep, and experiment as to what helps reduce your fatigue. If you wear it very close to your body every night its power may be overwhelming you; and if you are still tired during the day after trying this, perhaps instead of wearing amethyst daily you should try another stone for calm and relaxation. There are many :) I like Selenite, it's so angelic. But I still carry amethyst and keep a piece by my bed, and now it works better.

P.S. Oversleeping will make you more tired. That's a fact :) I tend to do that sometimes too.


LadyofDreams said:
thanks I will try the not sleeping as much thing.

just a thought - i also wear a hematite pendant and bracelet every day. could that affect the sleeping?

There's your possible answer. Hematite is a VERY HEAVY stone. It's a grounding stone and it does not work for everyone. I was wearing one for a while and I too was tired and even depressed. I was also told that my Aura was very dark/heavy and aggressive like. Which didn't make me feel very good. Since I've taken the Hematite off I have more energy...which my dog appreciates very much...I think he was giving up on me at one point.

Rose Quartz is a good stone to carry. I've never carried Amethyst on me everyday although it sits with my moonstone and tigers eye next to my bed. When I work with stones I often put Amethyst with Quartz quite often...whether it be clear or Rose. It's an amplifier. A double terminated Clear Quartz is also good to wear on a regular basis. This allows the negative and positive energies to flow both directions, leaving the person quite balanced. But even with a double terminated quartz you must always remember to cleanse and recharge your stones and matter what they are. You can do this in the Full and New Moon, the Sun and also in SeaSalt Water...Some stones are more softer persae and the abrasive SeaSalt is too much though. For a quick clear, run the stone or gem under cold water.

Hope this helps...


thanks all. I love wearing the hematite but I will try not wearing it and see if that helps.

I am very reluctant to stop wearing the amethyst however, because I started wearing it on recommendation from a friend and have grown very attached to it. lol I know how that sounds but it has helped a lot with when I am dealing with people that I dont like, and I havent found any that works as well.

i hope carrying it is as successful :)

thanks again



You might try carrying or wearing a piece of clear quartz. It may help balance the energy of the amethyst. If you want, you can program it to be more helpful in doing so.
