Texas Tarot Readers


Hehehe..unusual request..but curious how many texans there were out there and anyone who may use the Radiant Rider-Waite..would love to see about doing a study on the cards.


only Texans?

Do you have to be from Texas, or can anybody who uses the Radiant Rider Waite participate? :) BB, Michael from Illinois.


How neat..you use RRW too?? what do you think of them>


Radiant Rider Waite

I love the deck. I also equally love the Universal Rider Waite, and consider these two versions of the deck to be much improved over the original. The colors are awesome, especially in the Radiant. They truly *are* radiant. The cards seem to come alive. What's your favorite card? For some reason, I'm always drawn to the Hanged Man......and it glows in the Radiant version. Peace...........Michael


I would've thought for a Texan it would have to be
the Giant edition: not quite Lone Star size, but Big!