Just when you thought it was safe to go outside, Jupiter goes retro


Jupiter will be in retrograde from February 1/2 (depending on time zone) during the end of the Scorpio waning moon. By this point, Mas will have conjuncted Pluto and Mercury will have entered Aquarius with Venus engaging the final minutes of Capricorn. Jupiters retrograde will be felt as far back as innaguration day if not sooner, and will be stationary at the 18Libra mark. Pallas athena will also start moving backwards at this time in Libra. Diplomacy is not the key right now, but neither is aggression. At this point no-win situations are just that, and we will be unable to discern the finer points of the situaitons that are goind to degrade. For an example of this, look to Iraq, unfortuately.

Mercury will be conjunction to the Sun, in Aquarius this February. Mercury made no conjunction to the sun in Capricorn, indicating a lack of government communication, but now the general need of optimisim will be the power behind the power. True colors will be shown and powerful statements will be disassembled, and these statments in question will be those made at the begining of February as the SUn cojuncts Neptune. Visons of Grandeur and statements in mirror declaration, deceptions will not be tolerated and the deconstruction of such actions will occur with speed and uncommon frequency.

Venus will be in conjunction to Chirion, and both will be ready to enter Aquarius by the end of this day. The need to heal the structures around us are strongly felt as of now, and this will not be the end of such feelings, but the end of the beginning of a long process ahead of us. Few things can alleve the approaching pain, but venus and chiron in conjunction couldn't hurt, take deep breaths and focus on making your personal world a better place before we start anew with the rest of the world, this is the final message of this day.

Jupiter REtorgrade will begin a long process of determining how fair and balanced our money and our fortunes have been (Wheel of Fortune-X of the Major Arcania associated with Jupiter) and demands of reconcillation of these issues are just beyond the horizon, once the bigger picture settles down.

Focus on the Venus/Chiron conjunction to help keep stable, don't get dragged down, and most imporatantly, turn off your TV if there is a massive news bombardment, its a reaction to fear and discontent.


thank you very much for all for posting this information
I am just beginning to learn astrology and I find fascinating how the position of the planets have such a big impact on our lifes and planet.
I am with you in the turning the tv off sometimes!!! lol


Moon eclispes Jupiter, January 31

As if to punctuate the stationary Jupiter, the Moon will interfear with Jupiters waning expansive energies. Price hikes and provision supplies will be in the spotlight, and in the next couple of months will have to be dealt with. (on a personal note, my Jupiter return has now been stalled by one degree for more than 7 months. Jupiter retrograde brings dark humor, and this fits the bill.) Saturn remains also in retrograde in the emotional sign of Cancer, and yes we have been dealing with Saturn in retro for quite some time. Now with the lord of times counterpart, the lord of timelessness in retrograde, all this growing up we have been going through just might backfire. The desire to be a kid again is strong, so, hey, go for it. Wear what you want when you want as long as it doesn't damage your career choices, but don't let a manager say what you can and can not wear (or for that matter smoke ciggarettes) away from work!!!

Health concerns take the center stage with Ceres in Scorpio, but the law of Libra demands that this topic be dealt with appropriatly, and through the governmnet, not any individual corporation. I just mentioned cigarettes, while I think that cigaretts are disgusting, it should be up to the individual to quit or start smoking, not the corporation they work for to say 'you can't smoke at all.' Obviously, the corporation has control of their campus, but the corproation does not have control of your homelife, don't let this happen like it is in Michigan and Nebraska.

Back to Saturn, Moon, and Juptiter and Lilith and the Vertex. As Jupiter is eclipsed by the moon, Saturn will be aligned with the Vertex (the point in which all major bodies of the astrological chart are caclulated to) and will be conjunct with the Darkmoon Lilith (the gravitation point that is created by the orbit of the moon and the gravitation pull of the Sun).

So in a nutshell:
Jupiters optimism will be eclipsed by the moons much closer emotional side
Saturn will be aligned with the vertex, thus the dififculties we have expierenced will not get any better, Lilith Darkmoon will create a void of resolution for the time being. (Saturn retrograde demands that we rebuild our lives, lilith says that we need to wait, the vertex pulls this contradiction into the forefront. Jupiter and the moon will be moving different directions after this day, and thus the power of the moon will acts as a lighting rod to our desires, keep a tight hold of your money)

For those with Jupiter and Saturn in retrograde in your charts, this is your time, don't hold back and don't let others get you down. Your push foreward is important right now, without you we would be unable to function when we feel down, it will be up to you guys and gals to make everyone else feel batter. Don't hold back and don't feel guilty, your troubles will be alleviated for now for a reason.

I don't see much positive energy coming out these retrogrades for the itme being, but it will force us to be more humane and more universal in our actions, we can not allow ourselves to feel less than we are because of others or more importantly ourselves. WE are all equal and are deserving of equal rights.


i have a question regarding what you said about jupiter and saturn natal retrogrades, and this is the time to get things done. surely, as time passes i'll understand their influence on my better.. could you please elaborate on that?

the transiting planets will be conjunct my mc (saturn) and conjunct my asc and pluto (jupiter).i have been feeling a bit more ambitious as of lately, i'm working on a business plan and trying to reshape my world..

be well :)


With Saturn above you in your natal chart, the restrictions you have been dealt before have prepared you for what you are dealing with now, it has been a learning expierence for you and your career. I had Saturn pass over my Solar degree in 2002, 2003 and it was a challange, but a more personal one, with it transiting over your MC, your business life might be challanged in new ways, but if Saturn was in retrograde at your birth, you will persevere but your timetable could be off.

For a better explanation of your transits, I would need your birthdate and place for all the aspects involved so I don't miss anything.

Jupiter usually gives, but in retrograde it takes. If this is the position you want, then you need to place yourself in the forefront and aggressivly announce your intentions. Failure to do so will result in Stagnation. Again, natal retrogrades work well with most active retrograde activity since the energy is moving in the "same direction," and with the Jupiter eclipse by the moon, Pluto and your accendant (Pluto is the reason you have been feelign ambitious and probably aggressive) your strive for balance (and possibly art) will not go unnoticed. Again though, your timetables might be a little off. Don't demand that others hold schedules as tight as you do, but don't allow slacking off to occur either, strike the balance-it is all up to you.

retrogade definition:
All the planets and asteroids revolve in one direction, but as our line of sight to the far off planets shift with the eclliptic, a planet will appear from our earthbound view to be rotating in the opposite direction. The ancient Greeks and Romans saw this and perceived this illusiory phenomonian as their pantheon of Gods, hence why the planets have their names (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, etc. . .).

When a person is born in a retrograde phase, the natal energies are directed either inward, or more then likely, just redirected elsewhere in the chart. The planets are not weakend, just doing the 'reverse' of their norm. When the world feels like it is prospering from Jupiter direct, those with Jupiter retrograde may feel oppressed and financially unstable, and the opposite with Jupiter direct. Depending on when you were born during the Jupiter cycle or Saturn Cycle and of course what sign and houses they are in, will determine how current energies affect you.

I for example was born after a Jupiter/Saturn retrograde and conjunction, and this stationary phase of Jupiter has halted my immediete income with the loss of my employment (ironically, my unemployment was a pain to push through, that could be Saturn though), but now is the time for me to redefine myself and get employed with someone else, at least for a while until later in the year as the ecnonomy becomes more able. Once Jupiter reaches direct again, my income should be back up and running.


how long have you been studying paradoxx? you sound like you have a good understanding. i'm posting my birth info, if you wouldn't mind having a peek at it that would be appreciated. i'd also like to know if you have any recommendations as far as astrology authors. books or websites..

january 1, 1979
12:27 AM
blue hill, maine


I have casually been into astrology starting in 1999, and from there just looked up all the information possible, usually on the internet.

I do recommend:

Astrology for Dummies
Sign Mates
Sydney Omar (He provides yearly forecasts for each sign)

moderators: remove these links if you feel it nessacary
www.surferess.com/astrology/ (multiple sites)
www.humorscope.com (sometimes very accurate, other times not)
http://www.treehousemountain.com/html/keywords2.html asteroid information

oh, and of course this website.

After a while you start to get the hang of the meanings and it starts to make sense in your own personal way.

I'll take a look at your chart and get you some information (did you want that in a Private Message [pm] or in this thread?).


thank you for the links. i've been studying for a couple of years now.. on and off (i've been busy having babies lol) but i'm trying to incorporate my education into my daily life more and more..
i would appreciate a pm.. not looking for full reading, i've explored the chart pretty thoroughly.. my real interest lies in the current transits.. particularly jupiter and saturn (unless you happen to see any other reason for alarm)

be well :)