Transiting Chiron


Hello. Chiron is at 29 deg. in its winding down and culmative phase of Capricorn (capricorn/cardinal significant charts and earth signs). How has it been for you?. Chiron transited my natal moon nodes while transiting moon NN node was in my sun sign. I discovered a Vertex/Chiron in 6th conjunction
in my progressed chart which shed light on a lot of things!.

By the end of this month Chiron will enter Aquarius! station at 0 deg. for a few days.

...has anyone here been following Chirons voyages?.


isthmus nekoi

Interestingly enough, Chiron has been going through my 12th house. Since I have my Cap sun there, the collective uncon has always felt a bit like "home" if that makes any sense. I was introverted to the point where too much external stimulation would make me physically ill - even if that stimlation was something I'd seek out and enjoy e.g. travelling. That's changed very much now, I hardly get sick the way I used to and my tolerance for extroverted stuff has really increased.

How's it been for you Deszroo?