Using Oracle Cards With a Tarot Deck


I honestly wasn't certain where to put this thread; and I'm positive someone at some point posted something similar, but since I could not locate it, I decided to just go on my first instinct and make the post.

I have two decks, the Healing with the Fairies oracle, and the Aleister Crowley Thoth tarot. I use them for different spreads. If the spread is mostly about the querent's inner self as a person or being, or healing in that regard, I will use my oracle deck. Otherwise, I'll use my tarot. It all depends on the specific situation, of course.

Sometimes, if the reading is very, very important, or if I need or want to know all of the details, I will use both.

I start by dealing the oracle cards, and then I deal the tarot cards on top or next to them. When I interpret these readings, both the oracle and the tarot cards seem to coincide with each other perfectly, working together to create a very distinct, very detailed picture. I love doing this. It makes me feel more intune with my cards, and it helps me know that the decks are "getting along" per se.

What are your thoughts on using Oracle and Tarot decks in the same spread at the same time? Have you done this before? Was it helpful?

- V.


Now this is an eclectic mix! And an excellent idea...

I thought that my use of the Lo Scarabeo Karma oracle with the Thai Tarot was an exotic (to me) offshoot of using an Asian theme tarot with learning...I can see the use of the dreamlike Thoth with a well-loved oracle is a great reflection.

I used to only use the Thoth for dreamlike reflections of thoughts and if I ever find an oracle deck that I find as powerfully suggestive, I would enjoy doing what you are doing.

Is my guess right that the Froud's Faery Oracle is a powerful tool for you? Is the Thoth equally strong for you?

Since any of my comparison of the Thoth cards with my Thothlike decks showed me preferring the Thoth card and thoughts, I stopped doing comparisons with this deck...but if I ever decided a strong deck such as the Book of Doors was what I wanted to focus on...hmm....




P.S. Am I misreading what you mean?


I am very close with my Healing with the Faeries oracle cards and the Thoth deck, yes. Together, they provide powerful readings.

Since any of my comparison of the Thoth cards with my Thothlike decks showed me preferring the Thoth card and thoughts, I stopped doing comparisons with this deck...but if I ever decided a strong deck such as the Book of Doors was what I wanted to focus on...hmm....

I'm honestly not certain what you're saying here. :p Could you elaborate?


Hi there

I have used the Lenormand with Thoth (for myself) in the Daily Thoth thread and it was quite a surprise to me, and really opens up the imagination.

Mercenary30 has also done some readings with Oracle and Tarot mixed too, you may find them in the Reading Exchange.


Mixing Oracle & Tarot

How funny, vernissage, I deal exactly the other way.

Sometimes in a Spread, when I deal my Tarot Cards, I like to know if I am seeing the right "enviroment", and then will deal my Witches Oracle next to them. Good Witch, Bad Witch, is a good oracle to see the enviroment/feelings that are with my Tarot Cards.
If I get a bad witch, I take a darker slant of the Tarot Card, and take the witch that I get in account. If I get a good witch, I take a lighter slant.

The Art of the Oracle is very suggestive because of it's symbolism, and takes very well with the Tarot Decks I have.


Comparison of the Thoth cards with my Thothlike decks

I would take a tarot deck such as Via and pull cards and then pull the same cards in the Thoth deck. The Via deck meanings are somewhat different than the Crowley Thoth, because the pictures in the Via are different.

I knew what the Thoth cards meant and could read them well for myself. The Via card meanings were okay...but because the majors in the Via were 'missing' some key alchemical imagery and the minors in the Via were different than the Thoth deck, I felt the Via cards 'lacked' something. the comparison with Thoth cards didn't work for me. I frankly just felt like I should have just read with my Thoth. Or I should have chosen to just worked with the Via itself rather than compare the cards.

So I was doing a 'comparative' tarot reading and didn't enjoy the results.

With an oracle, it would be different; I am not looking for the oracle card to be similar to my Thoth cards.

Thanks for the question.

