


I just started wire wrapping stones and I was wondering if there are any stones that should not be put together for whatever reason, or even better, stones that go really good together?

Can certain stones when put together cancel each other out or enhance each other? Just wondering.



Hi Sprite!
This thought has occured to me as I have made jewelry using many stone combinations.
What I have discovered is that they really can't cancel each least it never has felt that way to me before!

I think all stones together really do enhance each others strengths.

This was actually brought up once while I was at a gardener's workshop.
Certain plants grow better and more healthy when placed side by side...and we discussed other earthy pairings including herbs with stones..and stones with stones.

I will have to look back through some of my jewelry collection...or find my Talisman notes...
but the one combo that really works is that any stones when paired with Clear Quartz definately feel intensified, and focused to higher vibrations.


Hi Chronata,

Thank you for answering my questions. I was just afraid of pairing something that perhaps should not be together. I've got two very small kansas pop rocks and I've read that they cancel each other out when placed together (male, female). I was just wondering if that was true for any other stones.

Thanks again for answering,


pop rocks?
Are you refering to boji stones?

I like to use mine together!, because I feel that you almost need the duality of the male and female stones...that the energy is enhanced tremendously by the almost magnetic pull that they have...with and against each other.

But these almost have to be able to be seperated, I think for that kind of energy work.
Though I can imagine if you were using them for say...a talisman... meant for duality... Balance of the male and female energies, then yeah, I can see them wired together.


An interesting thing to try (if you have time) is to just leave the stones sat beside one another for a while. You will find that if they dont like one another they move!
honestly! I have had it happen a few times - mostly with Lapis.
