troublesome signs

isthmus nekoi

So we've talked a bit in the past about what sign energy you are attracted to and why - I thought maybe we could chat a bit about what sign energy you're repelled by instead. btw, let's not start a whole thread talking about the negative traits of each sign - but focus on what makes the energy difficult to you b/c of your own chart placements and perhaps what you might have learned from the signs you find challenging.

I think I have most trouble w/the Virgo-Pisces axis. I have nothing in either sign and really don't connect with this energy even though I'm a Cap sun and therefore, should be compatible (Cap sun trines Virgo, sextiles Pisces).

I think I have trouble "getting" Virgo b/c my Mercury (ruler of Virgo) is so weak. Virgo can be very discriminatory and this irks my live and let live Sag sun who can see Virgo as being judgmental and too picky. Also, I've never really understood the power of ritual which is Virgo's domain. It took me a long time to understand that some people can get an almost numinous charge from putting things into order - everything in its place. I used to think this was totally anal, but see that it has a potential spiritual side as well.

As for Pisces, it's my Saturn square sun that really makes it hard for me to connect. I've always had a strong sense of self reliance and responsibility that it still baffles me when some people can just drift. I used to get really offended by a Piscean friend of mine who would make all these great promises and then flake out on me later. Now I realize that she was never lying to me like I thought - she just meant those promises when she said them and drifted elsewhere in the meantime... I still find it hard when students of mine are Piscean. I just don't know how to motivate them, it's like they have no internal drive. On the other hand, there's something positive in an attitude that can let go so easily and just go with the flow. I do think our goal/achievement oriented society could learn a lesson or two from the Pisceans.

Kaylee Marie

The sign I just don't get is Capricorn. I have no planets here; Saturn in the 3rd sextiles my Ascendant, is in opposition to my Midheaven (by a wide margin -- it's just barely within the orb), and semisquares my Pluto.

I've been friends with quite a few Caps in my short life, but the only word that I can relate to all of them is paradox. Just when I think I have them figured out, they go and do something totally out of character (at least from my standpoint, but they see it as completely normal). And by textbook definitions, I'm pretty sure that's not a capricorn trait.

Now I'm sure all these people have other factors in their charts to explain why some are flighty and others are hard-as-nails serious and to the point. But I just can't seem to find a baseline to which I can say, "Aha! That's because you're a Capricorn!" I'm guessing it's because I have nothing in Cap. I feel and understand Saturn just fine, but planets are not the exact same as their signs.

isthmus nekoi

Kaylee Marie said:
I feel and understand Saturn just fine, but planets are not the exact same as their signs.

Yes, this is very true! I can handle strong Neptune energy easier than Piscean, funnily enough. (Maybe b/c all the Neptunian people I know are easy going stoners lol!!!)

Rhiannon SW

I have had issues with Capricorn energy and Taurus really know how to push my buttons. My Saturn is 5 degrees of Capricorn in the 7th house. I figured that may have something to do with it but maybe wrong. I have quite a few natives in my chart, so I've been told, and from what I've been studying so far. But those two signs have been an issue for me in the past.


isthmus nekoi said:
Yes, this is very true! I can handle strong Neptune energy easier than Piscean, funnily enough. (Maybe b/c all the Neptunian people I know are easy going stoners lol!!!)

Isthmus, maybe you just don't know enough Piscean stoners.... ; )

I am not sure if there are any signs which I find troublesome, Capricorns who don't laugh bother me somewhat. (but I have met at least one who knows how to have a good belly laugh)

Rigidity is an unpleasant characteristic to me, but does any one sign really cause this?

Anal retention is also one of those qualities of which I am not too fond.
Is one sign considered the "anal retentive" sign?

isthmus nekoi

Hm... rigidity seems to be more a Saturnian thing than something particular to any sign. But "anal retentive" seems an earthy quality to me. Earth is conservative. Are you comfortable w/the earth placements (if you have them) in your chart?


How would I know whether I am comfortable with a placement? (I am not trying to be a wisea**, I really don't know!)

It looks like my only earth sign is Saturn at 4 degrees Taurus. Is the placement in Saturn the reason it bugs me when people are anal retentive?

Other than that my chart is all water, fire and air. Also, what would qualify someone as Neptunian?


Hmmm I wish I could pinpoint a sign....
Aries has its downfall in the temper...
My roommate has a lot of Virgo- in Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn just like I do. She's far more detail-oriented than I am (and one could say nitpicky- shhh don't tell her I said so!). That can cause problems.
One sign I just don't get for the life of me might be Leo. But, I'm a Pisces, so that makes a bit of sense.


Astrid O said:
Other than that my chart is all water, fire and air. Also, what would qualify someone as Neptunian?
I have found the HoroscopesChat resources at MSN very helpful for general information. Here are their descriptions of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and of Jupiter and Saturn
purplefishy said:
My roommate has a lot of Virgo- in Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn just like I do. She's far more detail-oriented than I am (and one could say nitpicky- shhh don't tell her I said so!). That can cause problems.
Yes, I think its often the people that are very alike that bother us the most: we project our own shadows onto them. I married my astrological twin - my wife was born 23 hours later than me, and only about 20 miles away. Our similarities can be a source of unity and joy, but also of great friction if we're not careful. It is definitely important for us both to socialize with people who are different so that we don't stagnate.
isthmus nekoi said:
think I have most trouble w/the Virgo-Pisces axis. I have nothing in either sign and really don't connect with this energy even though I'm a Cap sun and therefore, should be compatible (Cap sun trines Virgo, sextiles Pisces).

I think I have trouble "getting" Virgo b/c my Mercury (ruler of Virgo) is so weak. Virgo can be very discriminatory and this irks my live and let live Sag sun who can see Virgo as being judgmental and too picky.
OK, this has me confused! Just how many suns do you have, Isthmus? ;)


Indigo Rose

isthmus nekoi said:
I think I have most trouble w/the Virgo-Pisces axis. I have nothing in either sign and really don't connect with this energy even though I'm a Cap sun and therefore, should be compatible (Cap sun trines Virgo, sextiles Pisces).

LOL! Talking to a Pisces/Virgo axis right here. Sun, Mars, Saturn, Midheaven and Chrion in Pisces with Moon, Pluto, Uranus Virgo; I was a walking dichotomy through most of my life(especially when you factor in my Gemini Rising)....but really I have learned how powerful this opposition has been to my growth. The lesson from these opposing energies is to combine intuition and logic. I am very detail oriented and need cleanliness and order; but also can see the "big" picture and float along with the tide. I am drawn to Virgo men; indeed both of my husbands...VIRGO. However, my second husband has a Sagittarius moon which I love.

This leads me to answer your question: The 2 signs I have struggled most with are Sagittarius and Leo. I have NOTHING in either sign. However, Sag is the my descending sign(7th house cusp). The stinging wit and unbridled sarcasm of the Sag slayed me as a child; it just cut my fragile little Pisces/Virgo heart right out. The bold, proud and braggert Leo energy always overshadowed my mutable and shy nature. However, as fate would have it I would be saturated with these 2 energies by my family. My mother is a Cancer/Leo cusp(right on the line cusp) with a Leo rising and Leo Mercury. She would marry my step-dad when I was 5 and he was a Sag Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury with a Leo Rising. Then to round it all out they made my sister: Sag Sun, Mercury Jupiter, with a Leo Moon. What's a poor Pisces/Virgo child to do???? I was surrounded by all of this zinging fire....:( I would learn to fight back with my fiery Aries. The funny thing is I always seemed to attract Sag friends, and damn if they didn't hurt the hell out me with their off handed remarks.

Of course as I have matured and grown, I see the beauty of it all. I had just the family and friends I needed to grow and learn. In the long run we are who are for a reason. I am thankful. My second husband(Virgo Sun) is the perfect match for me; Sag moon/Leo Mercury and all...who'd have thought it??? :)