What's the most accurate reading you have done???


I'm interested to hear about accurate readings. ie from feedback you have received, what has been the most specific / accurate reading you have done?

What did the cards say?
How specific were they?

For example, when I had a reading about 3 years ago, the reader told me 8-10 very speciic things he could not have known- ie how many relationships I had had in the past, that I was going to meet someone who's name started with P (I'm now engadged to Paula).

So, do the cards tell you those types of details?

Many thanks


I can't say yet that any ONE reading I've done has been dead on accurate through and through, but I have had very accurate and, so they tell me, very useful and helpful to the querent. Like the one I did for my son's ex-girlfriend recently. I really knew nothing about her current situation except her question -- what she needed to be aware of as she moved to a new apartment. I did a Celtic Cross and the crossing card was a Page...of Swords, I think, but I immediately got the sense that there was this immature person in her life that was giving her grief about the move and making it difficult on her, so I asked her if this was true. She looked at me, wide eyed, and said, "Yes! My roommate!" She had been in a romantic relationship with this guy and was now ending it and moving out but he was being a pain in the butt about it all. The other cards talked about how the move was a very positive thing and how to not allow others to sway her. It did not indicate a coming romance. She's not wanting one right now either. Anyway, it was an odd feeling just "knowing" that there was someone making this difficult for her, someone important, someone who was interested in her, someone who was immature. I just Knew.

I also knew another friend of mine's question (he kept it to himself) just by looking at the cards and that freaked him out. LOL

So I think at this stage of my tarot ability, I get accurate moments in readings and fairly accurate readings, but I don't think I've had any one reading YET that has given me goosebumps. I can't speak for my querents, though. I've freaked them out a time or two. :)


mike gorth

I'm not so sure that the tarot can tell you what letter a person's name starts with but if you did a really complicated spread I'm sure you could find it. It would be tiring. Also with past relationships. It's possible but might take a while.

Rusty Neon

IDN said:
So, do the cards tell you those types of details?

To get those types of details, perhaps the reader was reading you rather than the cards. (And perhaps you were even being cold-read.) About the first letter, it was perhaps a guess.


Rusty Neon said:
To get those types of details, perhaps the reader was reading you rather than the cards. (And perhaps you were even being cold-read.) About the first letter, it was perhaps a guess.

J, P, M and S Those are some of the most common letters, and cold readers will throw them out like confetti at a parade.

Also, details such as that really can't be found in the cards, however some readers pull a lot out of intuition. I'll have moments where things just *pop* into my head out of nowhere, they'll make their way to my mouth before I can stop them, and they turn out to be right. Those are those moments when the client gets all bug eyed and says in a soft whisper "how do you know that?"

I've had a lot of very accurate readings. But my most... freaky... are when the predictions come true....

I've predicted one death (long story....) and recently did a reading for my husband in which I predicted his ex-fiance coming unexpectedly back into our life. Two days later.... yeah... that's another long story too.... and one more reason why I really, really shouldn't read for my husband!

Usually my most accurate readings are the ones that dig deep into the person's psyche, finding out why they do what they do, and what has brought them there. They always manage to get me that "whoa..." look from the client.


Thanks for the replies so far.

All I know was that I came out of the reading absolutely amazed. One of the most amazing experiences of my life. The reading took about 45 minutes. And then the reader sat there with me for another hour just talking about how it worked, how he got into it, etc. He was so interesting to talk to. He was part of the "Petulengro" business in Torquay, UK. Claire Petulengro is a very famous clairvoyant in the UK. She does horoscopes for all the main newspapers & magazines.



he was a psychic as well as a tarot reader. magic ! you were fortunate you went to him. mary

psychic sue

I think the best one I ever did was one of my very first spreads.

My friend and I shared a house. I had been using my cards for only a few weeks and was still practising (on her mostly!). We were going to a party at the weekend, and my friend wanted to know if she would manage to get hold of this guy she had been after for a while.

We did the celtic cross (because I didn't know any other spreads!) and I clearly saw that this man was going to end up in bed with the female half of a married couple we knew (I can't remember the cards - it was the Swiss 1JJ and I mainly worked on intuition with this deck - no pretty pip pictures!).

I didn't mind blurting all this out, as I was so close to my friend, she wouldn't think I was crazy or anything like that!

So, we both say "no way ! Jim and Jean (pseudonyms to protect the innocent!) are so close, there's no way she would go off with someone else, especially at a party where her husband will be. We laughed about it and I said something like "these tarot cards are wild!", and put them away, thinking no more about it.

The day of the party came and I had the 'flu, so I couldn't go.

My friend came home at about midnight in floods of tears - Jean had indeed been found in bed with the adored man my friend was after. A huge fight had broke out and my friend left.

I started to take the cards VERY SERIOUSLY after that - and so did all my friends.

Sue x


seeing things i didnt' want to see,

which were things of cheating,, sexual abuse (recieving end), physical abuse,
in real life readings..
the four times it came up,, i was so nervous to even mention it,, but when i did the confession started, and i became like a priest

also while it may not be the most accurate reading i have ever done,,
three of the most emotional readings i have done were when i traveled to the person to read for the person,, started to read and the tears started to flow
(it wasnt' anything major ,, they just needed a cue to express their feelings)

Island Dreamer

I've only ever done one reading for another person - an online friend who posted about having had a telephone job interview (after a period of unemployment) and she was anxious about whether or not she would be called up for a face-to-face interview. She indicated that it was a door to a second phase in her career but that her Sacred Path Cards were unclear.

On impulse, I pulled out my Osho Zen and laid out three cards, focusing on what she should be aware of at that time. All three were Rainbows (corresponding to pentacles in traditional Tarot decks) - Page (Adventure), Seven (Patience) and Five (The Outsider). In the centre of the three, the Seven showed showing a beautiful pregnant lady, peaceful and serene, hands laid in lap, surrounded by rainbow coloured vegetation, with the phases of the Moon over her head. She was flanked on the left by the Page showing a little girl walking over a hill into a rainbow glow and on the right the Five showing a small child, dungaree strap fallen down, gazing through a tall iron gate to the rainbow glow on the other side. I wondered if she was having to choose between her career and motherhood because I felt pregnancy and the mother flanked by children was very significant.

She was overjoyed with the reading and admitted that she was full of self doubts about stepping out of her career life and becoming a full time mother. She was afraid that her career path would suffer, she would lose her status and was concerned about the loss of identity that often comes with motherhood. There also seemed to be a possibility of a third child in addition to her existing two and she was worried that she wouldn't be up to the challenge of three small children. Her fears were crystallised like this "I may not be the best person for this position, but I am the best mama my boys will ever have and I should count that as a tremendous asset. Perhaps it's time to slow down even more and make the leap to fulltime mama. That would truely be a door into wonderment and joy that I've been holding back from myself"

I advised her to make like the lovely serene lady in 'Patience' and not pursue the career too vigorously. In the event, the third child did arrive and she has given up her full time career but she has been given networking opportunities through her contacts and hopes to return to working life when the children are older. I gather she is very much enjoying the challenge of motherhood and three small children - even if it leaves her very little time for anything else!

That is my one-and-only reading for another person but now I'm a bit nervous about reading for anyone else, despite its success, because the cards rarely speak to me quite so clearly.

Island Dreamer