perfectly horrible


try this one on, sun/virgo, moon/cancer, and sag rising. my mercury and venus are both in libra and happy mars is in virgo too.jupiter/cancer,w/ saturn, uranus and neptune in cap, and tiny but powerful pluto in scorpio. what i've come to learn from my chart is to not let the concious nor unconcious ego ever fully control your life. without both you feel incomplete. it's completely rational to have an illogical explanation to a seemingly logical question. not everything always makes sense so when in doubt go with your instincts. they'll nearly never steer you wrong! and most importantly of all i've learned is to love yourself for who you are...not who you wish you could be.



Yes, I can see that from the description you've given. In a general sense, your Mercury/Venus group squares the Moon/Jupiter and Saturn/Uranus/Neptune groups -- logic and personal perception looks at the tug of war between high emotions and social-consciousness and your place in the world. What wins -- duty and social responsibility or enthusiasm and emotions. Merc/Venus just looks and wonders, and then creatively finds a solution. Dave.