Bird Omens?


Twice in one day...

On the way home from work a bird flew into our
windshield of our car.

We get home and another bird, passed the side window of the car &
crapped inside the car on the seat.

This happened all within an hour.

What message would they be trying to show us?

It's one of those days when it's a good thing
elephants don't fly!


I woke up with a bird on my head one morning... I decided to take it as a good omen :) The types of birds may be important to know...

Ooops company is home!!!!!!

run away!! more later


I have read a few differnt things about bird omens. What kind of birds were they? There are different meanings for different birds:

A white pigeon or dove is a spiritual message - linked to ascension - or the evolution of consciousness. Also a symbol of Peace

Cranes are revered in Asia as symbols of long life.

Cuckoos are welcomed as a sign of spring in Europe and are considered omens of a happy marriage.

Doves symbolize love and peace. To dream of doves means happiness is at hand.

Eagles are considered sacred by Native Americans. The claws and bones of the birds are believed to drive illness away. As the symbol of the U.S., the bald eagle stands for endurance, independence, and courage.

Owls are considered prophets of doom. In ancient Rome as well as modern European and American folklore, a hooting owl warns of death.

Ravens are said to predict death and pestilence (disease). Folklore has it that the raven's sense of smell is so acute that it can smell death before it comes. No one wanted to see a raven fly over a house!

Storks are symbols of good luck. In folklore, storks deliver babies.

Black birds are sometimes considered an omen of death or transformation.

Birds are considered harbingers - messengers of events to come.

Here's a link with some infor on other types of birds :


Well, ros, I would take it fairly literally, in that there may be something coming your way in such a rush you'll barely feel you have time to think--only react, and also that something else may cause you to feel crapped on. But you have the right attitude, keeping your sense of humor and perspective about it.

Head up, be prepared. Keep your sense of humor. Don't make it bigger than it is.

Loved the elephant joke, by the way. ;)


autumn star

bird omens

Hi ros,

when I used to walk my dog at night, for many nights in a row I would have a fantail (we have then in New Zealand, a small bird with a fanned tail), fly in front of me, and once it tried to fly into my house. After that I started a new job and met some really great people. I saw the bird so many times that I was beginning to wonder if it was a totem animal, and sometimes I see it when I am feeling really sad. To me they are a good omen :) And an omen of change and hope. But I think that it would depend on the type of bird it was.


I have some major things going on at this time but...
if I connect with these bird issues, I'll post back.
Also, I didn't see the kind of birds. They were fast!


Hey Ros

... well, in my experience killing a bird, especially with your car, is never a good sign - more like the kind to prepare for bad news or things not following through like you thought they would. It can even mean someone you know has died but that's an extreme case. It's bird way of saying a sacrifice has been made? An ending has come that probably isn't in your favor. Literally speaking "turn around, no pass no forward, no U-turn." Usually also along the lines of pay attention, slow down and something is going to part ways like a relationship. Depending on the bird has meaning too, the typical types of birds you'll hit at least around here are doves, kites, owls, hawks, black birds, crows and the rare case of turkey buzzard. I've accidentally hit doves, once an owl and once a kite. It doesn't mean you can prevent anything, it's just a sort of heads up. Ooops! Crap man! Wakey wakey!


I dunno why it happens except for wind current, some birds like to swoop in on the car current or get sucked into it while they're gliding. Other times you're going faster than they can see you're coming, hesitate a moment and then fly off. Other times they are in your urm - field of attraction and totem but there's not much sectioning off differences there.

Birds are great messengers


Saw this and became interested ...I saw a black crow next to the truck (My SO or ex or wahtever he is won't give my car back)....even when I approached it the crow (My totem is the Raven) didnt' budge until my toddler scream (naturally everyone would run then)...what would the significance of that be?


If you have a perfectly good truck, is there any reason why you should want the car?

Crows are very bold, they'll walk right up to people. And pretty clever. You could put it into a way of saying get clever about the car or divorce it and claim the truck.


Shadesofire said:
If you have a perfectly good truck, is there any reason why you should want the car?

Crows are very bold, they'll walk right up to people. And pretty clever. You could put it into a way of saying get clever about the car or divorce it and claim the truck.

yeah.the car is in my name and not wonder if maybe the crow is also telling me to be more bold in life and less intimidated by others such as SO??

Would claim the truck but it's not in my name and it's a gas guzzler...LOL