Gemini new moon ~ June 6

isthmus nekoi

Gemini New Moon | 5:55pm EST

Gemini is a curious sign that rules speed, communication, anything novel (or bright and shiny!) and likes to kick things into high gear. Take note of this lunation because we have a really wild new moon here with all the energy packed into air and water.

Mercury is right at home with Gemini and there's a very loose grand air trine with the sun/moon conjunction, Jupiter and Neptune not to mention a square from Uranus. Whatever pent up desires for change you've felt during the last lunation are going to bowl you over now. Your mind may be running a mile a minute without any strong influence from Saturn (ahem, reality) to slow you down. If you're an artist, especially a writer/journalist, this is going to give you a strong dose of fresh energy so get started with that screenplay or what have you. Just make sure you plan to finish whatever it is you begin! It's also a great time for socializing, partying and networking. There's a lot of impulsivity in the air so channel that towards something constructive. If you've been wanting to try something new, especially something creative, this is the time to go for it: enroll yourself in a summer class, ask your crush out on a date, explore a new neighbourhood. I'd reconsider any major decisions especially those financial or work related because there is no earthy practicality to ground you, nor fiery intuition to help you connect the dots.