Color symbolism in the RWS


How does color add to the interpretation of rhe RWS? I have heard about references to "color magic" and that color plays a significant role in Masonic Rituals. Wasn't Waite a Free Mason?

Any feedback is appreciated . . .


Color in Freemasonry

Waite was indeed a Freemason and wrote a number of articles on the subject. He also published an encyclopedia of Freemasonry. Color is not specificly important in the rituals of Freemasonry. Having said that, I should mention that the first three degrees are often referred to as the Blue Lodge. The Scottish Rite (a side degree) is also sometimes called Red Masonry. Of course color is important from a symbolic point of view.


A "true" Golden Dawn deck (the RWS is NOT Golden Dawn),
employs a colour scheme designed for frenzied halucinations.
Robert Wang includes a warning with his cards about insanity.

The Rider deck by Pamela Colman Smith was created using
guache (pigmented water colours) and black pen and ink...
but if you look very closely (sometimes) there are fairies :)