Dr. Liz Green, Ph.D : Who? What?


David Roell and I have become "e-friends" of sorts,
with letters back and forth on Tarot and Astrology.

Here's a link to a recent article by him on Liz Green:

A short - unauthorized - biography of Liz Greene

He concludes: "Disinterested readers may begin to wonder
if Liz Greene really has a Ph.D. I've been wondering that
for some time myself."

David R. Roell
July 16, 2005


Yes I've read the article and I've also tried to track down any information on Liz Greene's Ph.D., so far without succees.

You would think that her publishers would be easily able to answer the question wouldn't you?


Yes, if she really has a Ph.D., it ought to be easy for either the publisher or Liz Greene to directly answer that question. There ought not to be any mystery about something that is of public record.