Know any fake/real stone tests?


Hi...I just read a bit about placing amber in a salt water; if it floats than its real...or if you put fire to it..and its smells chemically instead of pine like then its not the real thing. I was wondering about Rose Quartz ...Citrine. I just got a good sized Lapis Lazuli from a friend who says its all natural...but we are both not pros at this kind of stuff...just go by what we are told more or less. I am wearing some rose quartz right now and wondering if its real or what..after I was told its not fake or some other stone that you don't even know you're wearing. How can you tell?.




A reputable seller is always good...

Check out a crystal/stone book.

I make jewelry.. and know that most rose quartz is natural, albeit dyed to enhance the pink.

Citrine... natural, usually will have white and yellow usually in the same stone, unless really high quality.

Amber... I am not sure. I heard that if you heat a needle and it begins to melt the stone it is real.... can get amber bits for inexpensive amount.

hopes this helps



Thanks for reply. I do have citrine....darking yellow on top like a crown on a bed of white rock...and I have rose quartz...if they died these they must of not put much dye ;)...light pink so maybe they are not fake as such. I haven't spent much time with my Lapis Lazuli...rough in some areas white to grey white in other areas of it...I will see what putting under my pillow yields.



most 'fake' stones are already in pieces of jewlery, or made into beads and such.
There is not much of a market for fake mineral specimans.
If your stones are in the raw, then they are real.
In the stone world, there is a scratch test.
On a unglazed ceramic surface, scratch/draw with the stone on the ceramic.
Several gem & mineral sites around the web will have info on the color of the scratch test.


Some stones are fluorescent under a blacklight. Fluorite is one of them, but there are others. Sometimes this is used as a test.

Hematite will leave a red streak when scraped against a hard surface such ascement.

Sodalite is typically more of an indigo blue and has no pyrite (little gold sparkles) in it. Lapis is a rich, bright blue and often, but not always, has pyrite in it.

If you rub amber with a wool cloth, it will become statically charged. The Greek name for amber is "elektron" because of this property.
