Virgo New Moon - September 3

isthmus nekoi

A new moon in Virgo coincides well with the return to school as we all shift into a new routine and grow more serious with the cooling weather. However, this year’s Virgo lunation is a little different. Although there’s a loose trine to our sun/moon conjunction from Mars in steady Taurus, there are a few signatures pushing and pulling in different directions, making it more difficult than usual to get back into gear:

First, we’re looking at Uranus in Pisces making a strong opposition to the sun/moon pair, spelling out a desire to break out of a routine rather than settle into it. Second, Venus is still separating from a conjunction to Jupiter, both sextiling Pluto who has juuuust gone direct. Venus-Jupiter love overindulgence while Pluto’s extremism has now been let loose: this combo spells out a lack of restraint. Shoppers, watch your credit as the back to school shopping beckons! To add on top of all this, Mars is still separating away from his square to Neptune; consistency in acting out plans seem to dissipate as surprises pop out of the woodwork.

Overall, this is going to be a shaky transition for everyone. Don’t push for a strict adherence to plans, try to be as flexible as you can with the details and leave lots of room for the unexpected because Murphy’s Law is in overdrive this lunation. And parents, go easy on the kids, this is going to be a jerky start, especially for more sensitive types.


Little afterword... this has been a rather Uranian new moon for me. It was rather confrontational w/ others and my bank account has been hemorrhaging since I paid tuition, which my Cap sun really loathes. (Transiting Jupiter/Venus applying a conjunction w/natal Pluto in 8th)


isthmus nekoi said:
Venus-Jupiter love overindulgence while Pluto’s extremism has now been let loose: this combo spells out a lack of restraint. Shoppers, watch your credit as the back to school shopping beckons! To add on top of all this, Mars is still separating away from his square to Neptune

This would also apply to (first-time especially) college students taking on too much for their first semester, don't think that the realm of higher education is all about the fun and games, for virgo new moon might raise the bar quite a bit.

It really bites trying to take a test with a hangover.

isthmus nekoi

Oh yes, that's a great point. These aren't friendly skies for frosh, I'd take it easy on the pub crawls.


haha thanks for the advice--i was planning on getting rid of 2 units anyway from my schedule, i guess it will be a good idea.

PS Im taking chem, cultural anthro, and calculus for bio :-0