Stories from the hood: When you went Pro...


When I went pro I was petrified.
I really didn't know if I could do it, read for people and get paid without them saying, "She Is A Big Fat Phony!!! Don't Go To Her!!!!"
So I went to an all day expo, was the only reader, and got paid to read pretty much non-stop all day, drove home on a major high, got home and crashed, and spent the next day nursing a huge a reading headache.

What amazed me was the feeling of euphoria I had when I was driving home.
I felt like so many things just clicked.
I had a sense of all of my life experiences and all of the bizarre things I had locked in my head suddenly had an outlet.

Suddenly all the little bits of information that I can access came together in a beautiful and cohesive whole, and was the little something a stranger came in looking for! I could tell stories and make people laugh and I could sit and cry with people and hug them and enjoy people on a human level, face to face, rather than sit and be disgusted by people as I read the paper and watch TV.

So in a way TArot gave me back my love of people, and showed me somethings about myself that continue to unfold.

Just thought I'd share that, and wonder about your early days as a pro too.


Ahhhh you give me hope, elf! :)

elf said:
When I went pro I was petrified.
I really didn't know if I could do it, read for people and get paid without them saying, "She Is A Big Fat Phony!!! Don't Go To Her!!!!"

This is exactly how I feel. Hence, I have not gone pro yet! :/