Use your tools on yourself


I've been reading some of your questions and tips in this forum, and I'm a bit surprised that no one suggest using the tarot to determine how to read professionaly...

A way to find out how you best could use your tarot skills, is by a two card reading I find great confidence in, and a spread I use for my clients as well.

I found it on ATF a long time ago, and it reveals where you should focus your work for best success.

Two cards...... first you shuffle all the majors and pick one of them, then you shuffle the 4 aces and pick one of them. These two cards can then be interpreted as your professional path.

I got The World and The Ace of Swords, which I found out was a hint to me that I should stick to the world wide web and use thoughts and text in my profession. So now I run a website selling horoscopes, tarot readings and numerology readings. I write my readings down, and send them to my clients by e-mail or regular mail.

And to stay in our esoteric world, I use tarot and numerology to determine my strategy in business. Since I'm a nine (soul card tarot, life path numerology) I get the clients I should, and it seems it doesn't matter how much I advertize cause I get money in anyhow. Surprisingly I have cut down my marketing by 70 %, and I still get the money I need...

But that is typical a nine. I'm lucky when it comes to money.

So I would suggest you use your soul card/life path number to determine how you should attack the problem. Why not use our own tools on ourself? There are different ways to success, and I think we can use tarot (and other divination tools) to find out the best path for ourselves.

That's just my opinion...


Thanks for sharing, Tor...

Since this is such a new are the first to start a thread about using the tools for ourselves...this is something, though, that you will see throughout the forums...most of us here, DO read for ourselves...sometimes doing a daily card draw, sometimes doing a longer draw...

But starting a separate thread like this can offer us the opportunity to share
HOW we do use the Tarot for good idea to have a thread just for this.

I still do daily card draws...not EVERY day. I often do this for a week, then let it go. Sometimes I do a reading for myself using my own spread or Umbrae's horseshoe spread...sometimes I do a simple 2-3 card draw...

I don't read for myself frequently because I feel that it doesn't give me the time to digest a full reading which covers a span of time. So when I do a full reading, I take notes and then I leave the spread out somewhere for sometimes several weeks, and I revisit it .....this works quite well for me.

Some people have said they can't read for themselves. I don't do it often, since I often see what I NEED to see, but not necessarily what I WANT to see.

I do use my birth year number...this year I am in a Hermit appopriate for me, since I just retired in January, and, for someone so used to juggling full-time work with caregiving for my spouse, I feel some days that time is stretching in front of me like an empty slate. So ...rather than keep myself very busy, I have allowed myself to have the Hermit time...and develop the habit of meditation and prayer in a way that I have never done.

More emotional "stuff" has come up this way, but I know, that in the long run, I will benefit from the meditation.

Decks? Well, the Morgan Greer has been the deck that speaks best to me, until recently, that is. Sometimes I use the International Icon Tarot, sometimes a Tarot de Marseille deck.

I hope others who read professionally, will add on to this....I loved reading Elven's Cafe Diary.....while she awaits customers, she does journaling with an ongoing letter and does some short draws about what kind of a reading day it will be...very interesting.