A weird deck... Morgan's Tarot


I was in a local shop looking through their sample decks this weekend while chatting with one of the clerks. We found a bizzare deck...

It's called "Morgan's Tarot," but it resembles no tarot that I've ever seen. It's more like an oracle, but again, no oracle that I've ever seen. It was done in the '70s, probably under the influence of a lot of illicit substances (there are cards for "grass" and a big mushroom, and one called "Drug-Dragged," for when you've done too many drugs). The drawings are black and white line drawings. The LWB is absolutely on crack. There's even a card called "Ignore the preceeding."

Has anyone else ever seen this? Or am I having someone else's acid flashback?


Did they have it in stock? If so there was somebody (can't remember who) that was looking for this deck in one of the trade sections! Seemed pretty excited about trying to find a copy! I'll be whoever it was would love you to death if you could help them get one!!!!! :D


Cool! I'll go look and see if I can find who it was!

If you're reading this, PM me!


Kellinator said:
Has anyone else ever seen this? Or am I having someone else's acid flashback?

Morgan's Tarot is listed in Kaplan's Encyclopedia of Tarot, vol. III, pp. 609, 610. Here's what Kaplan has to say about this unusual deck:

"Mogan Robbins, one of the creators of Morgan's Tarot, says that the deck was made to 'transmit New Age consciousness and energy.' Though inspired by various spiritual traditions, including those of the East, the deck on the whole reflects the experiences of the artists. Morgan's Tarot is not a traditional tarot, in that there are no Major and Minor Arcana. The eighty-eight black and white cards are unnumbered and do not follow any specific sequence. Many of them recall the 1960s and 1970s in their concerns and titles, such as Trip (a drug experience, or a person's interest) and Far Out (amazing and interesting). Darshan Chorpash illustrated the deck under the direction of Morgan Robbins. The deck was published by the artists in the 1970s and was published again by U.S. Games Systems in 1983. The back design is a violet line drawing with 'LOVE' at the top, and 'GOD' at the bottom, and a mandala in the center."

While interesting and unique, Morgan's Tarot has never really appealed to me personally, because despite the appellation, it is far afield of being an actual tarot. But I'll concede that this fact makes it no less interesting as a study deck or collector's piece.

-- Jeannette


sounds like an interesting deck for collection rather than divination. interesting.

anyone have it?

in light,


drat... This was at a used bookstore a few weeks ago, but I didn't get it because I was too hyped about the fact that they had a first-edition Mage, which I snapped up. I'm realizing belatedly that I rather liked it. It's useless to me for reading, but I want it anyway. It had better still be there...