Men Tarot readers vs. Women Tarot readers


Do Men Tarot Readers read differently from Women tarot readers? If yes, what is the difference?




i believe it's all the same, gender makes no difference. For me, the question is the gift of intuition, and the gift of being truly in tune with your inner self. That is not gender related. BB, Michael


I think reading & delivery ability is individual rather than linked to the sex of the reader: that said, because the personal life experience of men is different from that of women, a reading experience with a male reader is going to be different from one with a woman.


I would guess that it had to be different. Along the lines of Helvetica's comments, men and women simply experience life differently because 'the world' reacts to them differently. Readers bring their own experiences to the table, and so I would say, on statistical average, yes, they are different.


Kind of connected ....most of the Thoth users I know are male ....I believe this may reflect on how they approach tarot ...



I'd have to agree that Men and Women see the world differently, due to different experiences. There's also a difference of approach.

Actually, I came across this article today:

Most of which I don't necessarily agree with. However, the point that, very often, women do live in a state of fear, while men don't, is one to ponder. I've talked to a number of women in my life about this point, and the idea that men could physically subdue them at any time does cross their minds quite a bit.

Do I think complex individuals can be boiled down to this simple formula? No. But like many stereotypes, there's a grain of truth somewhere in there.

Where that grain is bears some meditation.


Actually, there are proven neurological differences between genders. For example, females tend to be more aesthetically oriented, when telling direction; while males tend to be more direct, by using memory.

Dont know if reading cards would yeald different results, but it is likely the cards are seen somewhat different. I'm a male and read the cards in a aesthetic/gestalt manner, though :p


psychicbody said:
Actually, there are proven neurological differences between genders. For example, females tend to be more aesthetically oriented, when telling direction; while males tend to be more direct, by using memory.

Ah, but this is a chicken-or-the-egg phenomenon. Depending the culture the child is birthed into (yes, even in utero he/she is being influenced), raised up in, surrounded by, neuropathways are created vis a vis what the child is exposed to learning/doing. So, are the neurological differences inherent or somehow caused and reinforced by enculturation? Something to think about.

In any case, it is true that men and women, in general, do have different ways of being treated in society thereby creating vastly different perspectives. How that may influence a reader's interpretation of the cards would vary reader to reader, of course.



So, are the neurological differences inherent or somehow caused and reinforced by enculturation?
The study to which I am most familiar used rats. So, there are going to be some differences with or without conditioning.


It's not just about treatment by society & difference in physical strength and spacial/linguistic abilities, though these, of course, might count: but everyone knows individuals who buck the trend. There are many female architects and male linguists! Since Simone de Beauvoir at least, we've known that education plays a major role in making men & women feel they are more different than they are.

But there is one way in which all men are different from all women: and that is in our sexual characteristics. We might have different views of sex due to education from one man to another, and one woman to another, and different levels of libido, but - to put it crudely - the mechanics remain the same. And regardless of morals, country, degree of female liberation or oppression, etc., the way women experience sex is never going to be the same as men. That means that in an important area of human experience, men and women are destined forever to be structurally different - this, in turn, leads to difference in perception of sex and, inevitably, sex-based relationships & even relations that are not based on a sexual relation (e.g. with friends of the other sex; or of one's own sex if one is gay). We know enough about biological determinism to know that it plays a role in our behaviour, regardless of education (even though education can override or emphasise it in part). There's a fierce battle going on at the moment between those who believe there is no brain difference at birth, and those who believe there is. No matter - much of our brains are trained by our education. Some part of it isn't - that controlling our libido, our sexual drive & the reproductive instinct (even when it is not used for reproduction).

Now, many tarot readings concern relationships & sex, so that difference in perception & experience of that central human experience is going to yield different ways of seeing the same cards - of interpreting what is, on the surface, the same experience. I believe this is the core difference. To that we can add all the educational differences, the way men & women are treated in this or that society, etc. Psychicbody mentioned fear - and I think in most countries his opinion is borne out: recently in Switzerland a study showed that 6% of men were afraid to walk home at night, against 20% of women, even though young men are nearly 10 times more likely to be attacked.

It would be interesting to ask male & female tarot readers to do the following exercise: describe your own sexual experience, using tarot cards rather than words; then, describe a whole relationship experience (including, but not limited to, sex).