Hi.. I am a tarot reader, but having visions too.


I have been having visions, and one vision I have been having kinda scares me..It;s about my Dad he;'s 87 yrs old and lives with us since my Mom died 12 yrs ago. Well I have been getting this vision I'm at the funeral home make his arrangements , then I'm at home hunting threw all his papers for the paper where he had his funeral arrangements paid ahead, doing everything that you would do if he died..I get a feeling it will happen within 6 months, and feel it's about his heart...Sound weird?? aPlease let me know what you think...


No, it doesn't sound weird. It could be that you are being given a little preparation ahead of time, which is really a great kindness. I would rather have the hint ahead of time than the complete shock when it happens . It allows me time to process and get ready. Perhaps you need to look for the papers you will need, and when the time comes it will save you a lot of stress to already have things at hand. Think of anything else you might need to know or do to be ready , and then work on accepting the inevitable so you can be strong for others when it happens.

Take care !