Question; Something Doesn't Feel Right w/ Tarot Decks


OK ever since I got my new Tarot deck (Archeon Tarot) something doesn't feel quite right with my old deck (Morgan-Greer). And even now, something doesn't feel right with my new deck as well.

It's like they're jealous of each other LOL. I don't think that's really it though.

How do I figure out what's off with my decks so I can start reading again? Is there a way I can "cleanse" the decks of this negative energy?

I tried putting my old deck in order, I heard that works to cleanse it somewhat if it hasn't been in order for a long time. I don't know if it worked yet though...

Erg, help?


Do you believe a cleansing 'ritual' could help you and your decks? Then I think it's a good idea. If you don't you should probably try something else... Belief is what makes it all work, in my opinion. :)

Sage is said to be a very cleansing herb (it is a herb right?). So maybe you could burn some sage inscense sticks and let your decks go through the smoke a few times.

There are also cleansing crystals. I don't know the English names, but if you do a search here I'm sure you can find the ones that are right for this kind of ritual. I've found that one of my crystals work great for giving my decks a bit of an energy boost.

Hmm I'm sure there are other ways, do a search. :) If the cleansing doesn't help, maybe you could ask your decks what is wrong?


For me, getting a new deck has sometimes just confused my intuition a little bit. It feels like it's the decks, but it really isn't. It's me. I suggest just giving yourself a little time to get used to the new deck all by itself. Then when you're familiar with it, you can go back to the Robin Wood and things will probably feel just fine with both of them.

Have you been using your Robin Wood a very long time? When I first started with tarot, I didn't devote enough time to learning my first deck before I went on to others and that started a long and confusing search. I thought I just hadn't found the right deck yet. I kept going from deck to deck, buying more and more decks, searching for the "right" one, but if I had just stuck with one deck longer, it would have come to me much more easily. I suggest that you continue to spend a lot of quality time with your Robin Wood and just very slowly and gradually get used to the Archeon a little at a time, instead of trying to learn too much about it all at once. Maybe that would help.


I felt this way too, when I had really only one deck to read. Now, I have many, and I love them all, and all of the feelings I had had, and all of the feelings I had attributed to my "one and only deck", are all gone now. No more jealous Thoth, nor hurt I just have a lot of decks I enjoy reading for different reasons.

Maybe you just need some more decks? ;) (not trying to enable here, just a suggestion ;) )


Maybe you should keep to one deck for a bit longer until you are most familiar with your own Tarot style of interpreting with the deck. Then proceed to branch out with other decks.

I have decks that I just collect and love to look at but rarely do readings. I have a few that are favorites and some I use on special occasions just because these decks seem to fit.


I've used my Morgan-Greer deck exclusively for four years... so I don't think it's that.

Maybe I can try some sort of cleansing ritual or something.

Citrin how do I ask my deck(s) what is wrong?


Perhaps you could draw cards with fitting questions...

1. What is this strange feeling I'm getting about my tarot decks?
2. Advice on what can be done to change this?
3. Extra information
4. Extra advice

Just a suggestion. :)


I'm sorry-----I called your other deck the Robin Wood when it was the Morgan Greer. I should have looked back to see what it was before I posted.


A cleansing ritual, and I would use a candle and incense, will help you focus your mind. I find that speaking some words and asking for help is clarifying. It isn't that the decks are upset, but clearly you are, a little. You may find a ritual calming and helpful. Candle, music, prayer if appropriate, mediative music. clarify what you want (to use both decks easily).


using both decks

Perhaps try reading with both? Lay out a spread with one deck, then find the corresponding cards in your other deck, reading them together - see how they relate and differ on issues. I found this quite helpful, especially since my newer deck has fairly simple minors which don't give many clues - using it in conjunction with the Rider Waite works well.

Yesterday I decided to do a RW spread, as I felt I should develop a more thorough understanding of the traditional imagery, but the Celtic drew me in. So I read with that instead.

I've also tried dealing a spread with one deck, then dealing with the other right over it - interesting to see where corresponding cards apear, whether they contradict or support each other.

I think its right that its you, not the cards -you are torn in loyalty between your old faithfuls and the beautiful new ones (btw I just discovered the Archeon on the Net, its at the top of my wishlist now!). However I think there is a good reason that some ancient cultures believed that objects were inhabited by spirits, that goes beyond explaining unknown scientific forces. I think we do have relationships with objects, they might be one-sided, generated by us, but real nonetheless. I'm wary of acquisitiveness.

Perhaps buy a pair of similar but different, beautiful bags to keep your decks in. Show that you resepect each of them, and that they are not devalued by no longer being the only one.
