Reading for yourself when you're reading for someone else


thanks for all of your information! another question..

Have you ever made the mistake of reading yourself...when you were supposed to be reading somebody else? I think that I may be having this problem....and would you suggest a newbie to : instead of working with the Tarot right away, to reading about the Tarot before just jumping into the whole thing? I am having some troubles, and I really just wanted to know your thoughts and opinions..

thanks, lilwinky

p.s.I will check out all of those decks, thanks again! They sound really interesting, to me!


Yes! I did that recently, in fact, without even realizing it until the other person said the reading didn't fit the situation at all. What I've realized is that I really need to take a break from reading for others at the moment because the reason my own situation energies took over was because I'm in a very stressful, all-consuming time right now. I don't trust my readings for others right now, at least not until I can focus on something else.



This has also happened to me several times......when I'm really stressed and too much is going on in my own will carry over into the cards and I can not give proper readings to someone else much as I try to ground and center before the just doesn't work. I've actually packed most of my Tarot decks away a couple of months ago....and went a few weeks without reading for anyone. I've started again with one deck...but I see that I've still too much going on here to be able to connect with the cards properly.....although, I am stubborn and still "try" in the Circle of Stones in the last few weeks. So yes, it is highly possible that you are drawing cards, and they are about "you" and your "situation" instead of being for the person you are reading for....Pending on your personal situation right might be better to work with the Tarot just for yourself and ask the cards for advice....kinda like shadow work. There's a great book out by Christine Jette that is specifically for that....and when you feel more of a balance within and around you....look to read for others. Just a suggestion.

Best of luck!


I had done a "reading" for Natalee see...

if she was going to be found, and the second question was if she was still alive,, when I had read the results to my fiance', he said that the reading was all me!
I looked at the readings and I still believe that they are for her....there is some intuition involved, people are not saying things that they know, and timing is what "its" all based on., etc, etc.

I guess to put it bluntly, she isn't about to "be found" any time soon, which is really terrible.
In my mind, I believe that she is still alive.and not killed. and the cards do not say that to me, however, there is a ton of mystery when I read the deck....what do you all think?

also, what cards would I have to look for that would tell me, that I should end a friendship, because the friendship is "bad" for me, or the Rider-waite deck,and the Goddess Cards by Kris Wildherr...anybody?

and last but not least:
Do you often read cards...but, only write them down,and later ,about a week or whatever you "translate your cards?" You know, instead of actually translating their meaning right away, or asking a question to the cards, do you just do a spread, and then write it down,and later, look at what it was telling you? I have read about this, so I am curious,and curious to know if the cards hit the mark so to speak?!?

thanks, lilwinky

P.S. forgot to ask....but, what do you do, if you do accidently read yourself, and hadn't meant to...should you just read another time? or read when you are "together" mindwise? or More awake, and relaxed? What is the word on this?


This happened to me a few times, also. If you are hurried, upset, or in the midst of a domestic hassle, your problems may very easily come up when you try to do someone else's readings.


Lilwinky: Perhaps a signal to practice self-readings first & get more familiar with the cards to establish a clearer means of communication between the cards & self.

Many experience the inadvertent self-readings during a reading for another. That can be due to any number of factors known or unknown in addition to preoccupation with personal matters. It can also be the cards/Universe providing a more urgent message related to self than the initial purpose of a reading.

Reading Tarot books may also be helpful. Keep in mind the card meanings not static & vary according to the author's own experiences & perceptions. More oft than not, the immediate gut/intuitive reaction the better guide to the interpretive than any book or other source. Outside sources, however, can provide a broader understanding.

As for the cards that would counsel ending an unhealthy relationship, that is debatable since all the cards have a wide range of application & could also depend on surrounding cards. This can be represented by either Majors or minor arcana & apply towards any situation being read. I do not recommend a Yes/No throw as for both those new & more experienced, that type of query tends to defy a defining answer & also subject to various interpretations. Some readers develop a system of dealing with Yes/No questions but the results, again, subject to interpretation.

For questions regarding specific interpretive issues, suggest posting individual queries in Using Tarot Cards to avoid over-loading a thread with too many questions not pertinent to the thread title & also more likely to receive the appropriate responses.


that happens to me too. It could be due to your environment, emmotion at that state or probably like me. I stop using tarot for quite sometime, now I began to pick up my cards and do readings. I realised that the cards aren't answering to my question, I got to 'reconnect' to the cards again.


The things is that you'r suppose to channel to other energy in tarot but for that you have to be a "clear channel" if you energy are all over the place they will be dominent over the other energys and it's what the tarot will reflect.

learn to center yourself and clear make place for other energy before the reading will help a lot.
