We're Out of Time: calendar reform

Phoenix Rising

I found this information very interesting and thought especially to those who follow the Moon cycles, that you would be able to resonate with what the Mayans, those incredibly wise mathematicians and astrologers of old and the indigenous cultures have been using all along. Their calendar system has been the most accurate to date. The reason for this is that they always followed the universal laws of harmony, being in sync with Earth and the Universe as a whole as we are all connected.

The current Gregorian calendar changed by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 has no natural flow to the Sun and moon cycle at all. All months are of unequal measure, with 30, 31, 28, 29 during certain months. So where in natural laws of harmony does this fit? They had to fit the months in so that it could correspond to the Earths orbit around the sun. As well as those discrepancy, Sept (7) Oct (8) Nov (9) Dec (10) are all 2 months off, December is the 12th month, October 10th month in our current calendar system. Therefore this calendar system is way out of sync.

So the Tun Uc or Tzolkin calendar of the Maya, as well as indigenous cultures, uses a calendar of equal measure 13 moons 28 (mean average) day cycle (13x28=364) + 1 day out of time. Earth’s orbit around the Sun is also 364 days + 1. So we have a lunar/solar calendar of equal measure and in harmony with Earth’s natural timing. We only have to observe nature, and animals that are in tune with nature, interestingly animals do not follow a false timing or mechanical clock.

Therefore my point in this explanation. The Law of Time is everything to us. Time represents the 4th dimension. And whoever controls time, controls the mind. Since Julius Caesar (roman empire) and the Gregorian calendar (Vatican) has in effect and unconsciously controlled our time, because we have been using a Calendar system that is a false and artificial timing frequency 12:60(12 solar months: 60 minute mechanical clock) this false timing frequency has separated the minds of Humans because they began to work their lives around it, around a clock and unnatural calendrical system that does not correspond to nature. When one is not in tune with nature, their mind becomes disharmonious as well, and starts to lose natural instinct and telepathy because we no longer rely on these natural abilities, but mechanical ones and now technology.

A distorted Time frequency creates distorted mind or thoughts, which creates distorted and disharmonious manifestations (technology not in harmony with environment) and therefore Distorted Earth! So therefore to get back in natural Synchronisation of Nature or Divine Right Timing it would make logical sense to follow a calendar that is of harmony that of 13:20 timing frequency the Mayans and indigenous cultures used.

All cultures and religions throughout the centuries have prophesised the Great cycle that of 2012 nearing us. There have been many speculations to what this is all about. According to the Mayans, and the Mayan Time Keeper Pacal Votan on his Tomb he encrypted the prophecy for this time. He also prophesised every event that would shape Humanity, as well as this False counting system and technology that would separate man from nature, therefore separate from Source, and the destruction we would face if we did not return to Natural laws and timing. Humanity has until 2012 to regain its connection to nature. Because we have unconsciously for over 500 years separated ourselves. Humans will in effect become so out of sync because of a need to rely on technology; they will pull themselves into a “time warp”. Time is of the 4th dimension. Earth has entered into this phase, but if you are all operating to a false/artificial timing frequency, how can you possibly enter into the natural timing of 4th dimension? You will be stuck in 3D “Time Warp” this is what the Mayans and the ancients have said. Although, time has never been explained as simply as this. The scientists have all given technical and complicated formulas, but not quite explained it in simple man terms, so we’ve all been wondering, or probably not even thinking about what “Time” really is, yet the word is mentioned numerous “times” daily.

The “Law of Time” foundation since 1993 have submitted numerous submissions to the United Nations and asked for audiences with the Pope and Vatican to have a calendar reform changed back to this 13:20 frequency 13 months of 28 days (female menstrual cycle). They believe that it will restore Earth and Man back to harmony, because they will no longer be living out of sync in a false and artificial timing system. And regain our once abilities of telepathy and instinct. There will be no need for Cell phones. We will all have harmonious thoughts and start to create a world of peace and simple and natural living. Start to create technology of free energy sources. Our brain hemispheres will no longer recognise polarities, and have no judgments, because that is a natural thinking process of a enlightened and harmonious being. This is the New Earth, the New Vision they have all talked about. Ultimately we are responsible, become one with nature again, change to a natural timing calendar of 13 moon and 28 day cycle.

For more in-depth information and free downloads you will be able to find it at these links
Law of Time
13 Moon

White Resonate Mirror (16:9:98)


May I disagree

Phoenix Rising, I've just read your post and I find your statements do not resonate for me. While I do recognize that the calendar practices of the western/european world have been politically and narrow-mindedly manipulated from time to time, I do not see that this has taken us "out of sync with nature and the universe."

First of all, we have to start with the 365 day year, or 364 plus 1 days. This, of course, does not broadly represent the orbital time of the Earth around the Sun as measured in Earth rotations (days). The actual time is closer to 365.25 "rotations" of the Earth.

Second, we have to recognize the seasonal cycles which are defined by the apparent broad weather patterns of the Earth. These are commonly divided into four seasons. However, the weather is very variable and the boundary between one seasona ending and the next starting is not distinct in most cases. The process of change may occur slowly, quickly or vary its effects. Yet, despite this casual and uneven process, the weather is a most significant factor in shaping cultures relative to geography.

Third, the nature of our orbit and our planet's rotation is constantly changing. We have the precession of the equinoxes to contend with. Our common calendar and common western astrological practices do not account for this precession factor very nicely. This shift amounts to about 1 degree every 72 years. Further, we have to make time adjustments quite frequently. In the last several years we have added a second of time to our day three or four times -- mostly due to a slowing of rotation due to the gravitational influence of the Moon, but also because of volcanic action that has caused the crust of the Earth to flow and slightly change the pear-shape of our not-so-spherical globe.

Fourth, the impact of travel and communication among the peoples of the world have had a huge impact on our cultures. Given the fact that most people live only 70 or 80 years, the cultural practices of each generation in each worldly location is subject to many variables and influences -- culture and life is trendy, subject to economical and technological influences, etc. Time, as a factor, seems to take a back seat except in terms of local transportation schedules, the presentation of TV programs, and the aging process as it impacts our health and maturity.

Finally, I would say that "time" has become merely a measuring tool. It makes little difference what kind of a ruler we use as long as we can use it as a reference tool. Socially, many of us have progressed far beyond a daily need to wonder whether the Sun will rise the next day. We have evolved to different states of consciousness, for better or worse, but different. Time has differing meanings, sometimes little meaning, in many lives.

Now, I am not insensitive to culture and calendars. I have been an astrologer for 35 years and have had to work with strange time systems when doing ancient charts and working in non-tropical systems. But, I do not personally feel I have lost anything important. Afterall, to a large degree TIME is merely a convenience tool in our age. These are just my thoughts. Dave


It's all relative

With all due respect to the folks who want to reform the calendar, I have some difficulty understanding why it represents a panacea.

The Mayans weren't the only culture to use a month of 28 months. So did the Greeks at one time. And yes, we resonate with the moon's tides. But as Dad pointed out, we also resonate with the solar tides as well as the daily rotation of the earth. And for other than holidays and the weather, I can't really care a whole lot which month I'm in. A calendar with 4 months is fine with me too.

As astrologers we use a "calendar" of 12 signs/months based on the Greek (and maybe Babylonian) system. From the standpoint of both natal charts and predictions, this works well. And as Einstein demonstrated, time is relative anyway.

Phoenix Rising

Hi Dave and Wizzle

Interesting part of the prophecy Pacal Votan stated, as he knew when this information was going to be discovered, this century. He also said that the people will not believe it and not care, as they will become to separated and controlled by the false counting. I will get a copy of it.
If you only knew who the Babylonians were..where they came from, also the lineages of the Roman empire?... one would not care or believe it either. The spaniards destroyed most of the Mayan books.

Dave as a astrologer would it make much difference to plotting, if this regular and equal measure calendar should become the standard?
Aren't there not 13 weeks in a season? The Mayan also accounted for the 72 years that you spoke of in this formula.

Phoenix Rising

Prophecy of Pacal Votan

In my tomb will be the codes to teach the people of that distant time. And my tomb will be the lesson for that distant time. In that time, no one will know any longer what we know. A few will know the count of days, but of time itself, no one will any longer know. So as has been foretold, I shall leave the message in my tomb, and the discoverer - not of the tomb but of the message of my tomb - that one, with the same sacred count, will establish a different count from the count of days, but only so that the fullness of time may be known again ... and the discoverers, too, of both the tomb and the message of the tomb, they, too, have been foreseen, they, too, have been foretold, but a very long time ago ... in another Tollan, they have been foretold. "And to help the people of that time before the great cycle closes, the discoverer of the message of my tomb must show the people of the Earth the count of the tun uc, the count of the seven, the four, and the thirteen. In this way, the knowledge of the fullness of time will be re-established, for lost will the people be in a count that is crooked, the count of the false ones. So lost will they be, they will not believe it when they are told that their crooked count has led them astray, they will not believe it when they are told that their crooked count has led them into a wilderness that is without measure, but full of smoke and plunder ... and that it is their crooked count that is responsible for the terrifying sounds and clash of metals and explosions worse than thunder ... and the cause of the destruction of life unlike anything we have ever known. "My tomb will only be discovered three katuns before The end of the cycle, 63 20-year katuns after my tomb is completed, will it finally be uncovered. So the prophecies will become known only toward the end of the second katun before the end of the cycle. This mans that only one katun, the final katun, the ultimate 13 Ahau katun, the 66th katun after the completion of my tomb, will remain when all of this must done, when the people must give up their crooked count, when the people of the Earth must have this very same knowledge shown to them as I now reveal to you ... Then must there be a calling again for the reunion of the Council of the Elders of the Earth ... They will come ... They will know who they are ... All of this has been foreseen, all of this has been foretold ... all of this has been written in a Book ..." This is the message of the Messenger of Time, the testimony of the Voice of the Tomb.


Just skimmed over everything, this is something that I have dwelled on for quite some time w/o resolution.

Observations that come to mind:

1. Halloween/Samhain 2005 coincided with the last day of Ramadan with teh hindu new year (new moon lunar based) coiciding with the Mexican day of the Dead/All saints day (gregarian based).

2. Daylight Savings and Standards fell back one hour on halloween in 2004.

3. I remember a solar eclipse occuring on dec 25 in 1999 and a full moon on Halloween in 2001

4. Election day 2004 occured on the Day of the Dead/All Saints Day.

I'm sure I can connect with more, but the gregarian system does follow some kind of pattern, and it does synch up with other patterns, but I do agree that it is a flawed system that has a difficult implnetation when it comes to a specific rythems. The matching up of certain events astrologicaly with holidays (especially) is interesting to note though.


What is time?

For most of us, "time" is a means to coordinate our lives with a commonly held or observed schedule. For others, "time" is a means of measureing an event in quantum physics (lasting less than a nano-second) -- or a process in the universe lasting eons -- or the Saturn cycle which seems to have a measurable effect upon us humans -- or the Solar/seasonal cycle or the daily rotational cycle. Whatever. For many of us, "time" is merely a measuring stick.

To answer Phoenix Rising, no, it does not make any difference to me that there are other means of marking or appreciating time, other calendars, etc. My astrology software and physical reference materials provide a means to look at any point in time, as measured by common calendars, for a span of time covering almost five thousand years. Within that span, I can view the astrological sky from any place on earth at any time of day in any year. If the measurement is given in another calendar, I can convert it to an "equal" date.

And, yes, I am familiar with early cultures that studied the stars, kept records and made predictions. I am fully aware also of your interest area and the cyclic relationships they established between the orbital movements of Mercury and Venus and Mars. I have also read a lot of other materials that point to the lack of and the fluidity and the parallelism of "time" -- depending upon who is doing the writing. Does time really exist or is it a fabrication of man? Is time truly linear? Scientists say no, time is not what it appears to be. While to a large extent, time cannot be measured or experienced faster than the speed of light -- yet photon's far removed from each other (distance equals time in a Newtonian universe) can react instantaneously to each other -- simultaneous is perhaps a better word -- as if there were no distance or time between them. Indeed, there seems to be proof that the world and the universe are not what they seem at all -- nor is the mind what it seems to be. It is as if the mind and the universe were built the same way -- is the universe an idea? If distance does not relate to "time" even though light does, what does this mean? How can the planets influence us from way out there? Or fixed stars? What is a "weak" force that cannot be measured but which has impact? These are all things far beyond what the Mayan's could have comtemplated. Their culture and world views are valid, perhaps, only in their world. Their world is not ours, it may not even be a part of ours at this point. Who knows? We'll all find out in a few years. Dave

The monk

Hi everyone,
All this writing about Pacal's Tomb, and the American 2004 election falling on the Mexican Day of the dead, jogged my memory over a document i downloaded, that is on encycopedia.the free dictionary.com, ive put it on attachment.
I have a nervous dry sense of humour, so please forgive if i have a spasm of disturbed laughter.....I'm not being political, just posting an encyclopedia document, i wouldnt comment, if you read it.


  • natal chart 364 s65.JPG
    natal chart 364 s65.JPG
    99.8 KB · Views: 87


<spasm of disturbing laughter> :D

remember, you win every time you say 'no'

Phoenix Rising

For most of us, "time" is a means to coordinate our lives with a commonly held or observed schedule. For others, "time" is a means of measureing an event in quantum physics (lasting less than a nano-second) -- or a process in the universe lasting eons -- or the Saturn cycle which seems to have a measurable effect upon us humans -- or the Solar/seasonal cycle or the daily rotational cycle. Whatever. For many of us, "time" is merely a measuring stick.

Hi Dave you summed up the "Time" we're using perfectly, we are organised by this mechanical clock is what I mean, we are programmed to it. We can't even tell the time now without looking at a clock or watch. Interestingly I cannot wear a watch haven't for the last 7 years. They will not work!
There is a place called "Vilcabumba" where the people age over 100 years, and look years younger, they live simply, without the burdens to technology we have in this our society.

This calendar is not a "Mayan calendar" although they had knowledge of it, it is a universal one. Polynesians used it, Druids, Egyptians, Native Americans(tipee have 28 poles) Aborigines, they lived on the other side of the world. They were in tune with nature, until they were converted to this false timing, they became colonised or civillised.

Time is of the 4th dimension. Cyclical not linear like in 3-D. Space is horizontal, time is vertical.

But according to the modern day founders who translated the "Law of time" which was also prophesised by Pacal Votan. To revert back to natural time or in harmony it will restore world peace. Now I'm for anything that will bring about world peace. What we've been going through in the last millenium certainly hasn't been a "Peaceful" period. This calendar makes more logical sense than the irregular Gregorian calendar. although it may muck up astrology a little bit won't it?

The sacred number of the calendar is 4:7:13

4x7=28-menstrual cycle, mean "average" of moon orbit
13 weeks to 4 seasons or (13x7=91) 91 days to each season
13x4=52 weeks,
52 days of each planetary(7) cycle throughout the year from birthday.

13 is a sacred number although religious groups have made it unlucky. The chaldeans stated, that "Who ever understands 13 gains power and dominion" wonder why the Great Seal of America has 13 symbology right through it. Not too mention 52 states now, but originally had 13.
The moon is represented of the feminine aspect. Because our bodies are Governed by it. The Feminine aspect has been persecuted for centuries. 12 is a number of the "Temple" 13 is number of God!