Do you ask?


Do you ask your Querrant their question? I never have before, but I actually think it is good to know so that you can help them interpret. I have never asked before, but I did tonight with one of my friends because she seemed lost and I wasn't sure if I was helping her or hindering! I asked her what her question, or issue was and she told me. Then we had a long discussion about different aspects of the cards I had pulled for her. It was deffinatley helpful for me to know what she had on her mind because then I could use that knowledge and combine my intuition to put together the puzzle. Is is ok to ask the querrant? I have always kind of thought you weren't supposed to ask...What's the general opinion?


hi hdelaney,

It highly depends. Most querents come and visit me with questions. Especially matters of the heart (will he love me?) are often reason for bothering. Also work, and familymatters are very popular. So that is why I ask if people have questions, and then I could choose a spread for this specific matter. But it also occurs people just want an overview of how things are going and then I use general spreads to highlight issues etc.


Thanks for the advice Dwaas! Blessings to you too!


I generally ask for the question. There isn't always one but the thing with knowing the area of concern is that you can focus your reading, hopefully in a helpful way.


I ask for one but sometimes people aren't really forthcoming with them due to many reasons (fear, not knowing how to phrase it, emabrassment) If they want a question but are unsure about how to form it I try and help if they are too embarrassed to ask something or just want a general reading then I do those to.


I rarely ask the Querent for their question. I feel that to hear the question also tells me what kind of answer they are looking for or want - and that definately is NOT what a Tarot reading is all about.


Sometimes the question isn't what the reading is about, anyway.

I used to think the question was necessary.

Then I began to think it was nice to have, to give the interpretation a direction.

But my husband insists on no question when I read for him, and I've seen some interesting things come up in those readings, if I'm careful not to make assumptions based on what I know about him. If I focus on the cards, not the question, then I'll start hearing him say, "yes, yes." Something's going on, when that happens. (I like to use really simple or generic spreads when I read with no question.)



I tell them it's better to have a question, (in order to focus thier intention)
and they can tell me if they want to. I feel I do a better reading when I know the question because it focuses my analysis more precisely. Those who don't tell me seem to be the sceptical and those with really intense personal questions.

I enjoy the ones where I know the questions more as it seems more of a dialogue. I'm not here to prove my psychic abilities but to dig dig dig.


I leave it to the querent to tell me the question or not. Some ppl are too shy or reluctant to reveal the question so I don't insist, just recommend them to relax and start with a general overview.


I prefer not to ask the question on the first "pass" through a spread - I like to just see what I can see without knowing the question. But before I go into more detail I ask the querent if they would like to tell me the question. Most do, but some would rather not, and I don't push them.