What would your 79th card look like?


Does a tarot deck needs more cards?

Of course not! It’s made to be a complete story with 78 cards. However, suppose we forget about that for a minute and get all creative: What extra card(s) would you like to see in the Tarot deck? What would they represent and how would they look like?

Personally, I really feel that the much discussed happy squirrel card might be an excellent addition. See the thread about that card to understand why :D

Other cards I’d like to see: a zero card for each of the suits. It would be like the aces, only without the symbol of the suit. Sort of a germination phase. I’m sure that there are ways to pick that idea up from already existing cards in the tarot, but he, it’s about cards I’d like to add, not about cards that actually make sense ;)

Another example: In Holland there’s a deck called “tarot in de herstelde orde” Which roughly translates to ‘tarot in the original order’. It contains two extra cards in the major arcane, denoting the positive and the negative principle in the universe.


My 79th card would be black, with a red, six pointed star thingy on it...
It would be called a 'unicursal hexagram'.

Nocturnal Lure

I'd go for an apocalypse card...

23: Apocalypse

There is absolute dark, all that was has seized to be, the end of the path after which the road is cleared to start a new cycle, another path entirely. No rebirth, but a cleaning of the entire slate "tabula rasa".


I'm liking Nocturnal's idea of the Apocalypse card.

Now, being completely serious, would it be plain black? Plain white? How does one depict the sum and essence of non-being? :D

le pendu

I'd like to see Prudence, Hope, Charity, Infidelity, and Anger, for reasons that are too long to go into here!



How 'bout nothingness but a small spark.......


A mirror...?



A black hole after The Universe! It would be 23, after completion of the universe, and before the beginning of the fool.


Maybe the 79th card is a window? Just clear plastic.

But seriously --

The Happy Squirrel lives in that space. Everyone knows that!
