Does anyone have a list of suggested deity correspondences with crystals?


I've found a couple of very short ones, and have some ideas myself about which crystals have feminine vs. masculine energies. I just wondered if anyone had done any matching of crystals with deities.


Sharpchick, check out "Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic" by Scott Cunningham. In it he has articles about over 100 stones. Each article includes any deities associated with the stone along with a load of other info, such as energy type, metals or herbs connected with them, planetary and elemental attributes, and the stone's basic powers, magical/ritual lore, and magical uses.

If you are curious about any deities associated with a particular stone, ask and I'll look it up.



Thanks for the information. This one will go on my holiday gift wishlist.;)


Cassandra Eason has a beautiful crystal book that lists angel correspondences along with astrological signs and planets, and herbal/oil/incense


Bluemanticore said:
Sharpchick, check out "Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic" by Scott Cunningham. In it he has articles about over 100 stones. Each article includes any deities associated with the stone along with a load of other info, such as energy type, metals or herbs connected with them, planetary and elemental attributes, and the stone's basic powers, magical/ritual lore, and magical uses.

If you are curious about any deities associated with a particular stone, ask and I'll look it up.


What about the various colors of onyx? What does Cunningham say about diety associations with those?


Actually, SharpChick, Cunningham only mentions one deity connected with onyx, and that would be Mars. In classic ceremonial magic, the head of the god Mars, or a figure of Hercules, was engraved on onyx and carried for courage. Onyx can also be worn for protection when facing adversaries in battle or in other conflicts.


I gifted myself with Cunningham's book. . . already had two others by him. I just love it.


If you look on page 181 of Cunninham's book, you will see onyx among the stones ruled by Saturn. This makes very good magical sense in that the 3rd Sephira, Binah, is black and is associated with the planet Saturn.

Expanding on the notion of Binah, onyx would then be associated with any of the great triple goddesses, particularly in their guise as crone (as opposed to their virginal state which would more properly be associated with a stone such as moonstone). Thus Diana, Isis, Hecate or the mourning Demeter would fit with onyx. Or even Pluto, himself. Onyx is also a birthstone for Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, so you can maybe go so far as to use any of the images for the Devil Tarot card sucessfully, since that is Saturn's card.

My comments are based on natural black onyx. Onyx comes in quite a number of other natural colors and has been dyed for centuries. Because of this, there is a lot of confusion about what is or isn't true onyx and how to treat it in healing/magick. Onyx marble, which is generally what is used for figurines is NOT onyx but a different mineral.

Hope that helps.


It certainly does. Thanks for the detail in that post.