The Fours


While doing a spread, I drew the Four of Cups in the outcome position. Hoping for a major to clarify I drew again. Four of Swords!
Once more- Four of Pentacles!
LOL I couldnt convince the tarot to give me a major, and the fours definitly had something to say!
Have any of you experienced something like this?


Fours represent the manifestation of the plan. They are the cards of action that will bring life to all that can be imagined.

They are also symbolic of an inability to let go, of stubbornness and inflexibility. Esoterically, because four is the number of the square, each card is contradictory in and of itself. They are the essence of all paradox: a catastrophe can bring ruin and disgrace, yet it can be the beginning of a new life; obstacles stand in the way of dreams, but strengthen our will to succeed.

Three fours in a spread usually indicate industry and diligence.

I tend to be hard headed sometimes so I get a lot of groupings -- I tend to think of it as my guides waving their arms, shouting, and jumping up and down... whatever this is about it is important that you pay attention to these cards

Al Si'ra

I am sorry i will be no help here at all..but i am famous for getting those 4s everywhere LOL..and i hate them all :)
But i am as curious as you right now and looking forward to what others will say...

All i can say is probably your situation has to do sth with control and balance-domination and order of things and ..or the lack of them..

4 of cups and 4 of pentacles together.. i think they can point to being closed to anything emotional-denying feelings? being not open to other opportunites;not noticing them?Not letting in and not letting out?