A Letter from USGames Customer Service ..


I just received this email:


Feel free to contact me regarding any customer service issues you are aware of.

I have seen the recent blog and comments regarding a customer service person and have scheduled a Customer Service Team meeting tomorrow morning, first thing, to address and work through the issues brought to light by the Forum. I would appreciate your feedback, especially if you have any personal experiences to share.

Thank you and best regards,

Kathryn E. Cooperman

Director of Sales & Marketing

US Games Systems, Inc.


I would like to see the minutes of that meeting!!

I hope that this is the first step to some swift major improvements regarding their customer service, and that they can implement changes immediately!

Maybe they need to support the clients that support them, and come to the source for answers, like ATF & other Tarot communities, instead of customers having to come to them, to see whats needed.

Good one John.

Elven x


Thank you, Elven.

Someday I hope someone will realize that I stuck my neck out to contact my contact at US Games, who also stuck their neck out to provide me with the correct person to contact; who knew Taran could bypass everything and use the voice mail system to get Mr. Kaplan directly - and so easily?

The upshot of it all is I had bearly posted my comment about 'Even I can't get Mr. Kaplan on the phone!' that I received an email asking for my phone number so Mr. Kaplan could call me - which he did! Shrewd man, that Mr. Kaplan. One of the many things he said is that the upper management can only help when they become aware of a specific problem. Taran got through the red tape and Mr. Kaplan ain't no fool! He also thanked me for being rational and positive {ignoring the fact that I was telling people the best way to boycott his company!} and then asked about my connection to US Games. When I told him They supplied the illustrations for my book - he took an immediate interest, checked to see if it had been included in Volume 4 - found out it wasn't - so he called me back to tell me it would be included in the projected Volume 5!

So, despite the venom projected at me in all this - I had a good day! I hope Taran gets his deck and it's perfect- as Mr. Kaplan says it will be.


So cool!

Your book's going to be in a book!


I agree wholeheartedly!! And, its wonderful that there has been more than one successful outcome from this seed being planted! May there be many more to follow!!

Elven x


Congrats! I'm very happy for you.

I'm glad everything was resolved also. Sometimes it does take cutting through things, whether it's to the top or simply upper management.
Overall, I am very glad things turned out well.


Good work buddy...



Ah, yes.
As I stated in the other thread a company doesn't get that big without caring about their customers..

There is the red tape to get through, but once dodged and dealt with things have a way of working out pretty well.


Wow, that was WONDERFUL, TarotBear!

You were very kind and generous...I hope to see your inclusion in Volume 5 soon!

I'm really happy to see this post.

I hope everyone involved has a wonderful holiday. And I hope to see the deck that was so longed for also arrives very soon!



What was this in response to?