Page of Cups and the man from the pawnshop


So I was feeling frustrated last night (over a guy, who else!) and did a reading. CC spread, and he came up in my house and the overall message was that things would be ok. Then I decided to turn over deck of unused cards and see what is on the bottom, I like to do that at the end of a reading, and it was the page of cups. I wasn't sure where this message would come from, esp. since this guy was being a poop.

Well, this morning I go in to work to check the online orders and I get an email from my neighbor, the man who owns the pawnshop across the way, asking me if he can take me to the movies sometime.
He's 45! I'm 21! LOL!!! And I just raised my eyes heavenward and was like "That is NOT funny!"
Ah cards, no wonder I am so attached to you, you crack me up sometimes...