do you ever do this???


you have a good day with reading for other people
you are ok in youre relationship
but you have 1 / 2 niggly bits
you have that itch to do a reading on it
you draw the cards
and they are SHIT!

AND you gather them up and say to yourself
its all stupid anyhow
im too tired shouldnt have done a reading
pile them up and go to bed
doesnt matter you say


Hi star-lover. I moved your thread from Your Readings to Talking Tarot since it is discussion of reading, well, frustrations.

The short answer to your question from me is, yes. :(


same answer for me too.....



lol you two im normal then same as you

must behave must behave lol
good nite and thanks xxxx



One time I spent 5 minutes staring at the cards before I realized what was wrong. They're all facing the wrong way! So, I flip them all around and they still didn't look right and I just said the heck with it and went bed.

So much fun when the cards mirror your mood perfectly.


Short answer is yes. Some days I am really good at reading for myself other days my objectiveness flies straight out the window.


That's one of the reasons I won't even do my customary daily three card reading - if I've had an argument with someone, feel under the weather, etc., because that very thing has happened to me, too.

What I did start doing was recording the layout of cards in the spread and going back later when I was in a better frame of mind to look at them. Unfortunately, I don't have Helvetica's fortitude to keep a spread laid out for an extended period of time for meditation and staudy purposes - she seems to get so much more out of some of her readings that way.


Absolutely, have had one tonite infact, am currently having a major battle with a major US corporation and did an end of night spread an lo and behold absolute Sh*te!

never mind have logged in here to cheer myself up! Have Hot milk and go to bed!

Take care everyone


Yup... it happens. And it irritates me to no end.

But I've been wondering... does anyone here find it difficult to do readings (practice or otherwise) when it's about "that time of the month"? I know I do sometimes.


Yeah.. that keeps happening with me.. Infact im used to it now.. lol.;)