The Cat Caught on Fire!


In the middle of a very serious part of the reading (during a Tarot party) a cat strolled in and wouldn't leave me alone. Kept rubbing my leg, over and over again.

Now this tells me I was on track! At least in my world, I look at stuff like this and go, Hmmm. And think of it as a Sign.

Well, the cat wouldn't go away.
Then, it leaps up on the table, saunters right over the candle, and burst into flames.

Both the sitter and I sort of exclaim, "Oh My" or whatever and the cat gets startled, leaps into the air and puts itself out as it lands on the floor. And then it runs off leaving me staring open-mouthed at the sitter while the stinky cloud of black smoke smelling of burnt fur dissipates in the air between us.

What the hell do you make of this??


Well, neither of you will forget the reading. :) Think of it as an exclamation point.


Oh my gosh, Elf!

Were there any Wands court cards in the spread? Sounds like the Queen or the Knight to me. Or else someone has a passionate desire to have a baby. Or the cat is a performance artist.


Sekhmet energy? Bast?

Male cat or female?


Unusually unintelligent, for a cat. Could this be significant - a damn silly question, or a damn silly client ? :p


Hmmm...after I stopped laughing and then after hoping the cat was alright...I would probrably have to say for beginners:

1. A good sign to keep the door close

2. This is the first I've read of a cat catching on fire so it could be a sign that the cat is going to think twice about jumping on furniture

3. Was the sitter's name Damien??

4. Something like would be safe, I hope, to say it was a freak occurrance. If this happens again, I would think maybe it's the cards way of saying it doesn't like cats.


I love Marion's exclamation point!!



My dear elf I have never heard of anything so dramatic happening in a reading, EVER!!


Sorry! Laughing too hard to even try to comment at this point! ROFLMAO!


omg! Sorry sweetie...I feel so guilty for laughing!
The cat gods are gonna sure be mad at me now! :D

I have no idea what to make of this!

But I have to admit (sheepishly) that it reminds me of the two times I set MYSELF on fire doing tarot readings. the sign would be (since it was during a serious moment) never take signs too seriously, or you might just spontaneously combust?
Sorry...that's all I got....

Hmmmm...wondering if there is some Divination like this? Flaming catomancy? Felinepyroscopy?