daylight savings time


if i was born on september 28, 1974 at 7:02 PM in San Diego, CA, USA

would i need to allow for daylight savings time?


most programs will adjust for daylight savings time as it is, will actually make a note for you that the 1 a.m. hour may be a daylight savings and standards glitch on the day that we fall back one hour.

The answer is in fact, no, Daylight savings is already adjusted for in many charts, there are some exceptions.


I had this same dilemma about my chart. My mother told me I was born 10.30AM DST...So in actual time, I was born 8.30 AM. This caused me to revise my birthchart in But if it already allows for DST, does that mean I have to change it back to the former? @_@ Oh dear...


I use archaic software so have to know whether or not to adjust for DST. However, it's pretty easy to find out on the web when DST starts and ends. Just do a Google for the information. I use this website a lot

because it has links to most of the time zones in the world.

I agree with parradoxx that does the adjustment for you, as I've compared results with their system and my software. So at that website you enter your actual birthtime without adjustsments.