journaling question


I have filled 3-4 hardbacked blank paged journals.
I read the threads on journaling and have put the date and the spread and the cards with my thoughts for the day. Sometimes it's the whole page, others it's just a keyword. I think journaling is a way to remember something.

Now What?
What do I do with these journals? So many of you have been studying for years. Do you still journal? Where do you keep all the books? How do you use the information you've journaled?
Thanks Hh


Aftet 15 years, I still journal regularly, but I don't journal every single spread I do anymore, only those I know I will want to look back on, like if I'm doing a spread for the coming year, working on a sticky personal issue, developing a new spread, or something like that. I find I don't look back very far, so I keep only the journal(s) from the previous year, and throw out the ones older than that, although I might tear out and keep a few particularly significant pages.


I don't journal every single spread I do, although I recommend beginners to do so. I believe it helps chart your progress.

I have six or seven journals lined up on the shelf. When I teach sometimes I refer back to particular readings, but I don't want to cut them up to save only particular ones. Sometimes I look at at the really early ones and wonder how I ever got this far!

I did journal my daily one-card reading for years! But then, my writing is based on records of things past, so tossing the past away now that it is carefully documented does not enter into my scheme of things.


I started a written Journal to go with the Old Path as we do the 'One Deck Wonder' Study but I find I'm having a slight problem - My journal is mainly self readings and I'm finding its getting very personal - much like a diary would - I'm not keen that other people could get hold of this Journal, maybe even in the years to come - I didn't realise this was happening until I wrote something in my journal then realised that someone else would be able to just pick this book up and read it so I rewrote the entry and heldback my thoughts - this isn't what I wanted to do.

I love the idea of a written Journal but I'm going back to keeping one on the PC where I can password protect it.

Has anyone else run across this problem with their written Journals?


I have a stack of battered old steno pads which I use/d as journals running back to 1973. They are an amazing collection of personal history. Scattered in the pages are lists, notes, ramblings, readings, thoughts...tarot related and non-tarot related...

And yeah...there is some really personal stuff in there, and it's not password protected, anybody has access...and if hey understood the 'prose code' (but hell, few understand my regular writing...).

If there's a power-spike, or a virus, or Pepsi-Syndrome, my journals are safe.

I'd never ever put my journals on computer. Journals (IMHO) should be paper and pencil, and kept forever.

It's great fun to go back and read how freakin' stupid we were 30 years ago (or 10 years ago, or 5 years ago, or last week...).


I remember once having a computer crash and losing 15 years worth of Financial records on market movements and charts...15 years worth of research "Poof" and why? Cuz it was too valuable to back up cuz 'somebody might get at it"...Poof...

Trust me folks - rely on a computer to'll bite 'cha.


I am with Umbrae about the paper and pencil thingy and I am still journaling tarot readings or spreads.


Although, I use a "puter" for just about everything, I still journal with good 'ol paper and pen. Even if you password protect, I can guarantee if someone is remotely puter savvy, they will figure a way to get into your puter, if they really want to. Trust me, on this one.

I stopped journaling, oh about 15 years ago when I was into different things. But having returned to Tarot, journaling is just one of those things I enjoy doing.




Wow....everybody does it diferent, but most do it. I guess my journals will be like cookbooks. For use when I want to look something up.

But once a year, on my birthday, with a bottle of wine, I'll read it to see just how I've grown. And if my learning hasn't progressed much, well, I'll just have another bottle of wine...:) Hh


LOL love that idea Horace!

My tarot journal is all part of my general journal, so all aspects are my life are reflected in the cards. Its a journal of my life with all these different things reflecting and influencing it.
More importantly my journal is a place to waffle freely when I cant waffle to myself (or the faeries) without too many people overhearing hehe.

There is something very precious to write in my suede book and scribble my thoughts. I used to keep an online journal but theres nothing like putting pen to paper to waffle about life's problems and great AHA moments :)



Journaling is a personal thing. I started keeping a journal when I turned 50. Originally I intended it to be just for fun. Then the format changed from fun to serious to help me cope from one of those life changing traumas we never think will happen to us. When I discovered the magic of Tarot my journals changed again. One side of the page is my daily draw the other side of the page is the events of my day. The daily draw helps my spirit; the journal side helps my soul. Combined together I am becoming a changed person. Once a year or so I look back to see how far I’ve come and to help me moving in the right direction. Yay journals!