Chart types


There was a post here a week or so ago that mentioned the bucket type of chart where the planets were distributed in the houses in a certain pattern. That stirred my memory so I had to find where I had read that a long time ago and since I don't throw anything away, I did find it.

The book I read was "Parker's Astrology, A Definitive Guide to Using Astrology in Every Aspect of Your Life" by Julia and Derek Parker. It's a big workbook and I just love the illustrations!

The authors give credit to Marc Edmunc Jones for the system that lists seven chart types according to where the planets are located in a person's circle chart: the splash, the bundle, the locomotive, the bowl, the bucket, the see-saw and the splay.

I hope this helps anyone interested in knowing more.


Thanks for the info....Jamie Binder's book "Planets at Work" goes into chart types ...and Joan "Basic Astrology" (a workbook) also has chart types a bit. It might be great if it were so straight forward to figure chart types ...e.g. I'd say mine is a bucket....but it looks nothing near the example of one (see below) a more experienced person or astrologer in the subject matter might say differently or more accurately what it is or closer to. I will have to inquire about some point. Its always piqued my curiosity but never got around to it or completely forgot about it when I did have someone capable to many little time ;)


See here an answered question that shows the "basic chart types"