The Pages - A Visual Interpretation


Most authors seem to come to grief where the Pages
are concerned~they can't fit them into their systems.

Say for instance if all Pages are Earth like the system
where the Kings=Fire, Queens=Water, and Knight=Air
~ then The Page of Pentacles will be Earth of Earth...
well, that's the Ace of Pentacles: the Monad of Earth.
And on through that whole system ~it comes to grief.

What if Pages are Princesses? Well, it solves nothing.
The Golden Dawn has them "circling" the North Pole!

The Pages come to us as if The Orphans of The Tarot.
So where do they fit with the 12 Signs of the Zodiac?
And whatever system, it must account for the 4 Aces.

I suggest The Pages may be viewed as the energy of...
The Four Moon Phases: New - Waxing - Full - Waning

Viewed along side the images of Pamela Colman Smith,
there's a very compelling "home" here for our Orphans!


I'm very very very new to tarot, but I'm studying it on another board also and they have an interesting way of relating to the page, knight, queen and king.
They look at the page as a child, youthful qualities, the knight as a teenager and the qualities associated with that, the queen, motherly qualities, and the king, fatherly qualities.
An interesting thing about that is right now I've been practicing on my husband and children and the pages keep coming up for my son and for my husband the kings.
Now if I could only figure out what they're trying to tell me....


Hi :) OliviaRose! That may be the best "system" of all~
relating each card directly to the world you know best!

I have found that by getting answers about attributions
to the cards, then I can relax and simply let them talk...
when you get right down to it, the cards do all the work!


"click on" The Four Pages: New - Waxing - Full - Waning


Yet another awe inspiring thread!